Seventh Federal Electoral District of the Federal District
The Seventh Federal Electoral District of the Federal District (VII Distrito Electoral Federal del Distrito Federal) is one of the 300 Electoral Districts
Federal Electoral Districts of Mexico
The Federal Electoral Districts of Mexico are the 300 constituencies or electoral districts into which Mexico is divided for the purpose of federal elections. Each district returns one Federal Deputy, who sits in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Federal Congress...

 into which Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...

 is divided for the purpose of elections to the federal Chamber of Deputies and one of 27 such districts in the Federal District ("DF" or Mexico City).

It elects one deputy to the lower house of Congress
Congress of Mexico
The Congress of the Union is the legislative branch of the Mexican government...

 for each three-year legislative period, by means of the first past the post
Plurality voting system
The plurality voting system is a single-winner voting system often used to elect executive officers or to elect members of a legislative assembly which is based on single-member constituencies...


District territory

Under the 2005 districting scheme, the DF's Seventh District covers the south-east portion of the borough
Boroughs of the Mexican Federal District
Mexico City — politically and administratively constituted as the Federal District — is divided into sixteen boroughs for administrative purposes. They constitute second-level administrative divisions, on par with the municipalities of Mexico. However, unlike municipalities, they do not have...

 (delegación) of Gustavo A. Madero
Gustavo A. Madero, D.F.
Gustavo A. Madero is one of the 16 delegaciones into which Mexico's Federal District is divided.-Origins:Founded as "Villa de Guadalupe" in 1563, it became the city of "Villa de Guadalupe Hidalgo" in 1828, and finally a delegación in 1931; as such, it was named after Gustavo A. Madero, the brother...


1996–2005 district

Between 1996 and 2005, the Seventh District's territory was identical to its present conformation.

Deputies returned to Congress from this district


  • XL Legislature
    • 1946–1949: Juan Gutiérrez Lascurain (PAN)
  • L Legislature
    • 1976–1979: María Elena Márquez de Torruco (PRI)
  • LI Legislature
    • 1979–1982: David Reynoso
      David Reynoso
      David Reynoso was a Mexican actor. He appeared in over 170 films and television shows between 1955 and 1994.-Selected filmography:* Ash Wednesday * Ánimas Trujano * Black Wind...

  • LII Legislature
    • 1982–1985: José de Jesús Fernández Alatorre (PRI)
  • LIII Legislature
    • 1985–1988:
  • LIV Legislature
    • 1988–1991: Jaime Fernández Sánchez (PAN)
  • LV Legislature
    • 1991–1994:
  • LVI Legislature
    LVI Legislature of the Mexican Congress
    -Members of the LVI Legislature:# Dip. Aburto Torres Taide# Dip. Acebo Salman Jesús Guillermo# Dip. Aceves del Olmo Carlos Humberto# Dip. Aceves Hernández Pablo Pedro# Dip. Acosta Ruelas Miguel# Dip. Aguiar Ortega Gabriel# Dip. Aguilar Martínez José Luis...

    • 1994–1997: Jorge Efraín Moreno Collado (PRI)
  • LVII Legislature
    LVII Legislature of the Mexican Congress
    The LVII Legislature of the Congress of Mexico met from 1997 to 2000....

    • 1997–2000:
  • LVIII Legislature
    LVIII Legislature of the Mexican Congress
    The LVIII Legislature of the Congress of Mexico met from September 1, 2000, to August 31, 2003. All members of the LVIII Legislature were elected in the elections of July 2000....

    • 2000–2003: Mario Reyes Oviedo (PAN)
  • LIX Legislature
    LIX Legislature of the Mexican Congress
    The LIX Legislature of the Congress of Mexico met from September 2003 to August 2006. All members of the lower house of the Congress were elected in the elections of July 2003 while members of the upper house were elected in the elections of July 2000.-Chamber of Deputies:-Senate of...

    • 2003–2006: Iván García Solís (PRD)
  • LX Legislature
    LX Legislature of the Mexican Congress
    The LX Legislature of the Congress of Mexico is meeting from September 1, 2006, to September 1, 2009. All members of both the lower and upper houses of Congress were elected in the elections of July 2006.-Senators by state:-Plurinominal Senators:...

    • 2006–2009: Juan Nicasio Guerra
      Juan Nicasio Guerra
      Juan Nicasio Guerra Ochoa is a Mexican politician, affiliated to the Party of the Democratic Revolution .Juan N...

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