Seven Shadows
The Seven Shadows were the short-lived superhero team of heroes that operated in Chicago during the World War Two era and who were slain by the super villain,Johnny Sorrow
Johnny Sorrow
Johnny Sorrow is a fictional character that appears in publications published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1 Johnny Sorrow is a fictional character that appears in publications published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in...


Fictional character biography

The newly formed superhero team the "Seven Shadows" - consisting of Dr. Nowhere, Jake Justice, The Shard(a.k.a. the Luminary), Man-At-Arms
Man-At-Arms is the primary title of Duncan, a fictional character in the Masters of the Universe franchise. The figure's tag-line is "Heroic Master of Weapons".-He-Man and the Masters of the Universe :...

, Lodestar
A lodestar or guiding star may be:*Polaris*any star used in celestial navigation*metaphorically, any guiding principle*Guiding Star...

, the Scarab
Scarab (Vertigo)
Scarab is an American comic book limited series written by John Smith and published by the Vertigo imprint of DC Comics, featuring a superhero called Scarab....

, and the Veil
A veil is an article of clothing, worn almost exclusively by women, that is intended to cover some part of the head or face.One view is that as a religious item, it is intended to show honor to an object or space...

 - who were attempting to apprehend Johnny Sorrow
Johnny Sorrow
Johnny Sorrow is a fictional character that appears in publications published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1 Johnny Sorrow is a fictional character that appears in publications published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in...

 at a Chicago movie theater and never got their chance to make their mark on human history as six of their seven members had all died after experiencing Sorrow's fatal gaze upon the removal of his mask,leaving a surviving member of the dreadful ordeal, Louis Sendak, the Scarab
The Scarab
The Scarab is a fictional superhero character who first appeared in the 2008 miniseries Project Superpowers from Dynamite Entertainment. While he is loosely based on the golden age Scarab, he is one of the few original characters in the series, with most of the others being Golden Age characters...

 to mourn the death of his friends and teammates.
Due to their brief and final appearance in JSA,their true identities and their particular set of powers are unknown.
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