Satavado was a large feudal landholder and feudal hierarchy-political unit in XV-XVIII centuries in Georgia
Georgia (country)
Georgia is a sovereign state in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the southwest by Turkey, to the south by Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan. The capital of...

. Satavados were established in times of political and economical overthrow of Georgian Kingdom, by exploitation peasants and grooving immunity of feudal lords when they formed a new class of Tavadi
Tavadi , "prince", lit. "head/chief" [man], from tavi, "head", with the prefix of agent -di) was a feudal title in Georgia first applied in the Late Middle Ages usually translated in English as prince...


The long period of domination of foreign intruders extremely weakened the central political and economic power, which became the main reason for rising of Satavados. The regions lost economical interrelations. The feudal anarchy grew in the country. Weak monarch could not employ his main function – keep his villains in humility and safe feudal order in country.

Satavados were created by union of feudal families (union by oath). Big feudal lords, unified in Satavado. captured former King’s territories or were granted with the power to manage the territories. (Saeristavo
Saeristavo , in historical and scientific literature with this term is defined territorial unit in old Georgia, which was ruled by Eristavi....

, Satsikhistavo
The term Satsikhistavo was used in feudal Georgia to designate military-administrative unit which was ruled by Tsikhistavi . Later the feudal families were granted the right to inherit Satsikhhistavos, which made them parts of Satavado.Satsikhistavo sometimes required a special tax, established...

, etc.). They obeyd to Aznauri
Aznauri was a class of Georgian nobility; the term that was first applied to all nobles, but in the later Middle Ages narrowed to designate the petty nobles....

 (nobleman) and created their own government offices independently from the King. (Maidservants, regular army etc.) and confronted with the central government system, Royalty system.

When Georgia was united (XI-XIII centuries ) the country became strong economically and socially, Royal role was mighty and ground for such feudal institutes does not existed. Manorial estates were created through the long period of history. They included granted, awarded, dowry and ravished manors. Part of Satavado was created on the basis of Saeristavo
Saeristavo , in historical and scientific literature with this term is defined territorial unit in old Georgia, which was ruled by Eristavi....

. (Such as Ksani
Ksani Saeristavo
thumb|300px|Ksani Duke's kastle in [[Akhalgori]].Ksani Saeristavo was an administrative unit in feudal Georgia. Originally, to Kksani Saeristavo consisted of the Ksani and two more small valleys. The remnants of settlements are found continuously dating back to Stone Age. The settlements in that...

, Aragvi
Duchy of Aragvi
The Duchy of Aragvi was an important fiefdom in medieval and early modern Georgia, strategically located in the upper Aragvi valley, in the foothills of the eastern Greater Caucasus crest, and ruled by a succession of eristavi from c...

, Racha
Duchy of Racha
The Duchy of Racha was an important fiefdom in medieval and early modern Georgia, located in the western province of Racha, in the upper Rioni valley in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus crest, and ruled by a succession of eristavi from c. 1050 until being transferred to the royal crown in...

 and others)

In Satavado three kind of land hold forms existed:
  • Common or cooperative
  • Prince property
  • Individually-owned

“Common“ - was a manor which was used commonly by the families belonging to the same Satavado. The minor was managed by Tavadi
Tavadi , "prince", lit. "head/chief" [man], from tavi, "head", with the prefix of agent -di) was a feudal title in Georgia first applied in the Late Middle Ages usually translated in English as prince...

 appointed by the heads of other families too. They were paying “State taxes” and the rest of the income was divided by the families. Tavadi was getting twice as big divvy than other families.

“Prince property” – was granted to a feudal family to manage it for some time. After some period that minor could have been given to another family. Interim owned of the ”Prince property” could not sell or change anything in serf-feudal obligations. (Disembarrass or change gilds). Such kind of changes could have been made only by Prince’s agreement.

“Individually-owned” - manors were most progressive type of land hold. It vas individually owned by only one family, which was inherited or was granted for good service to the King
- Centers of population :* King, Ontario, CanadaIn USA:* King, Indiana* King, North Carolina* King, Lincoln County, Wisconsin* King, Waupaca County, Wisconsin* King County, Washington- Moving-image works :Television:...

 or dowered. Individually-owned lands were unconditional properties. Owner could sell, give in dowry or do something else with his property. This kind of ownership supported the development of intensive agriculture. Exploitation of servants was more restrained than in “Common“ or “Prince property” manors.

Aznauri was a class of Georgian nobility; the term that was first applied to all nobles, but in the later Middle Ages narrowed to designate the petty nobles....

 (Nobleman) were divided according to the type of Satavado they belong. They were: “Common“ , “Prince property” or “Individually-owned” subordinated. They were getting manors with servants from Tavadi. This land hold relations was the bases for feudal-hierarchy.

The mane Satavado in Kartli
Kartli is a historical region in central-to-eastern Georgia traversed by the river Mtkvari , on which Georgia's capital, Tbilisi, is situated. Known to the Classical authors as Iberia, Kartli played a crucial role in ethnic and political consolidation of the Georgians in the Middle Ages...

 were: Ksani’s, Aragvi’s, Samukhranbatono, Saamilakhvro, Satsitsiano, Sabaratiano. In Imereti
Imereti is a province in Georgia situated along the middle and upper reaches of the Rioni river. It consists of the following Georgian administrative-territorial units:#Kutaisi #Baghdati region#Vani region#Zestafoni region...

 – Mkheidzeta, Chkheidzeta, Mikheladzeta, Rachis Eristavta, Abashidzeta, Tseretelta. In Guria
Guria is a region in Georgia, in the western part of the country, bordered by the eastern end of the Black Sea. The region has a population of 143,357 and Ozurgeti is a regional capital.-Geography:...

 – Machutadzeta and Guriis eristavta. In Odishi – Chiladzeta, Goshadzeta, Djaianta, Chichuata, Chikvnta and others. (Many of them were named after the families which owned them)

Satavados system disunited feudal Georgia and made reunion of the country impossible. It facilitated influence of intruders and helped them to keep authority, therefore they supported Satavados. The Satavados were abolished in IXX century when Georgia was fully occupied by the Russian Empire
Russian Empire
The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

. There were no more social-economical reasons for their existence. Satavados were divided among different private minors.
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