Śat is a letter of the Ge'ez abugida, descended from South Arabian
South Arabian alphabet
The ancient Yemeni alphabet branched from the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet in about the 9th century BC. It was used for writing the Yemeni Old South Arabic languages of the Sabaean, Qatabanian, Hadramautic, Minaean, Himyarite, and proto-Ge'ez in Dʿmt...

 . It represents both a historical "s"(a voiceless alveolar fricative
Voiceless alveolar fricative
The voiceless alveolar sibilant is a common consonant sound in spoken languages. It is the sound in English words such as sea and pass, and is represented in the International Phonetic Alphabet as . It has a characteristic high-pitched, highly perceptible hissing sound...

) and "ṯ" (a voiceless dental fricative
Voiceless dental fricative
The voiceless dental non-sibilant fricative is a type of consonantal sound used in some spoken languages. It is familiar to English speakers as the 'th' in thing. Though rather rare as a phoneme in the world's inventory of languages, it is encountered in some of the most widespread and influential...


See also

  • Ḍäppa 
  • Śawt
    Sawt is a kind of popular music found in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, especially in Kuwait and Bahrain. Sawt is a complex form of urban music, originally performed by 'ud and mirwas , with a violin later supplementing the arrangement.Two men perform the dance, which is called “Zaffan”....

  • Proto-Semitic
  • Shin (letter)
    Shin (letter)
    Shin literally means "Sharp" ; It is the twenty-first letter in many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician , Aramaic/Hebrew , and Arabic ....

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