Samuel C. Brightman
Samuel C. Brightman was a journalist, war correspondent, freelance writer and adult educator.

Brightman started his career with the Louisville (KY) Courier-Journal
The Courier-Journal
The Courier-Journal, locally called "The C-J", is the main newspaper for the city of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. According to the 1999 Editor & Publisher International Yearbook, the paper is the 48th largest daily paper in the United States and the single largest in Kentucky.- Origins :The...

 covering education and politics and eventually becoming their Washington correspondent. In 1939 he spent seven months travelling a Europe on the verge of war, writing a series of articles for the Courier-Journal (his last installment was written from Poland shortly before Hitler invaded).

He enlisted in the army in World War II and was assigned as a Public Relations Officer, responsible for transport, billeting, and general assistance for a group of newspaper reporters. He and his collection of reporters landed on Omaha Beach
Omaha Beach
Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during World War II...

 on D-Day
D-Day is a term often used in military parlance to denote the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. "D-Day" often represents a variable, designating the day upon which some significant event will occur or has occurred; see Military designation of days and hours for similar...

 with the American forces; Brightman's were the first reports to reach the U.S. after the landing, despite the fact that their equipment landed nearly a mile away and there was no reliable route for their stories. Brightman received a Bronze Star
Bronze Star Medal
The Bronze Star Medal is a United States Armed Forces individual military decoration that may be awarded for bravery, acts of merit, or meritorious service. As a medal it is awarded for merit, and with the "V" for valor device it is awarded for heroism. It is the fourth-highest combat award of the...

 for his efforts.

After the war he took a position with the Democratic National Committee
Democratic National Committee
The Democratic National Committee is the principal organization governing the United States Democratic Party on a day to day basis. While it is responsible for overseeing the process of writing a platform every four years, the DNC's central focus is on campaign and political activity in support...

, an organization he remained with for nearly twenty years in various capacities including Deputy Director of Publicity, Director of Publicity, and editor of their house organ, The Democrat. He was involved in several Democratic National Convention
Democratic National Convention
The Democratic National Convention is a series of presidential nominating conventions held every four years since 1832 by the United States Democratic Party. They have been administered by the Democratic National Committee since the 1852 national convention...

s in the 1950s and 1960s, generating publicity, press releases, and informational brochures for the party.

Throughout his career he wrote extensively—columns, newsletters, essays, speeches, etc.—on health care, the perils of aging, politics and political humor and, in his later years, on the importance of education in a democratic society and on ways to encourage civic literacy
Civics is the study of rights and duties of citizenship. In other words, it is the study of government with attention to the role of citizens ― as opposed to external factors ― in the operation and oversight of government....

in the general population. He was the founding editor of "Adult and Continuing Education Today" and the first journalist to devote his full time to covering adult education.
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