Robert Lloyd George MacPhail
Robert Lloyd George MacPhail, CM
Order of Canada
The Order of Canada is a Canadian national order, admission into which is, within the system of orders, decorations, and medals of Canada, the second highest honour for merit...

 (March 22, 1920 – July 2, 1995) was a Canadian
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

 politician and the 23rd Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island
Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island
The Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island is the viceregal representative in Prince Edward Island of the Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who operates distinctly within the province but is also shared equally with the ten other jurisdictions of Canada and resides predominantly in her...


Born in New Haven, Prince Edward Island, the son of Robert Archibald MacPhail and Catherine C. MacLean, he was first elected in a 1961 by-election
A by-election is an election held to fill a political office that has become vacant between regularly scheduled elections....

 to the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island
The Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, along with the Lieutenant-Governor, forms the parliament of the province. The General Assembly meets at Province House, which is located at the intersection of Richmond and Great George Streets in Charlottetown....

 as the Prince Edward Island Progressive Conservative Party
Prince Edward Island Progressive Conservative Party
The Progressive Conservative Party of Prince Edward Island is one of two major political parties on Prince Edward Island. It and its rival, the Liberals have alternated in power since responsible government was granted in 1851 and are the only two parties represented in the PEI Legislative...

 candidate in the district of 2nd Queens
2nd Queens
2nd Queens was an electoral district in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island, which elected two members to the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island from 1873 to 1993.The district comprised the western central portion of Queens County....

. He was re-elected in 1962
Prince Edward Island general election, 1962
The Prince Edward Island general election, 1962 saw the incument Progressive Conservative government re-elected, with vote numbers nearly identical to the previous election but this resulted in three additional opposition Liberals being elected. This was also the last election in which...

, 1966
Prince Edward Island general election, 1966
The Prince Edward Island general election, 1966 was held on May 30, 1966.The election in the riding of 1st Kings was delayed until July 11, 1966 due to the death of Liberal Assemblyman and candidate William Acorn...

, 1970
Prince Edward Island general election, 1970
The Prince Edward Island general election, 1970 is notable if only because it is one of the more uneventful elections in the history of a province coloured with unique electoral events...

, 1974
Prince Edward Island general election, 1974
The Prince Edward Island general election, 1974 was the first election that the NDP contested as a provincial party on PEI. Not since the CCF in 1951 had there been a third party competing for votes on the island...

, 1978
Prince Edward Island general election, 1978
The Prince Edward Island general election, 1978 was one of the closest on record on PEI. The Liberal Party won its fourth consecutive election by a narrow majority....

, 1979
Prince Edward Island general election, 1979
The Prince Edward Island general election, 1979 saw the election of a new Progressive Conservative government, which was elected with a majority both of seats and votes. The PC were led by Angus MacLean. This also marks the only appearance of the Draft Beer Party. This was the only party to contest...

 and 1982
Prince Edward Island general election, 1982
The Prince Edward Island General Election, 1982 saw the re-election of the Progressive Conservative government , with a majority of seats and votes cast. It also marked a low point for the Island New Democrats, who captured 0.7% of the vote, the lowest since they started running candidates in 1974....

. He held many cabinet positions including: Minister of Industry and Natural Resources and of Tourism Development (1965–1966), Minister of Finance (1979–1981), Chairman of the Treasury Board (1979–1981), and Minister of Development (1979–1980). He was Lieutenant Governor from 1985 to 1990.

In 1994, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada
Order of Canada
The Order of Canada is a Canadian national order, admission into which is, within the system of orders, decorations, and medals of Canada, the second highest honour for merit...

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