Prevent Cancer Foundation
Prevent Cancer Foundation(PCF) (formerly the Cancer Research Foundation of America or the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation) is a registered charity
Charitable organization
A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization . It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centers on philanthropic goals A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization (NPO). It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centers on philanthropic goals A...

, and one of the nation's leading health organizations devoted to the early detection and prevention of cancer.


Since their founding in 1985 they have played a prominent role in the promotion of cancer prevention, donated over $120 million in cancer prevention research, spread public information on how to prevent cancer, and partake in community outreach. The Prevent Cancer Foundation meets the 20 Standards for Charity Accountability outlined by the Better Business Bureau
Better Business Bureau
The Better Business Bureau , founded in 1912, is a corporation consisting of several private business franchises of local BBB organizations based in the United States and Canada, which work through their parent corporation, the Council of Better Business Bureaus .The Better Business Bureau, through...

. The Prevent Cancer Foundation is rated 3 out of 4 stars by Charity Navigator
Charity Navigator
Charity Navigator is an independent, non-profit organization that evaluates American charities. Its stated goal is "to advance a more efficient and responsive philanthropic marketplace by evaluating the financial health of America's largest charities."-About:...

, a rating which indicates "Exceeds or meets industry standards and performs as well as or better than most charities in its Cause".


The PCF holds professional conferences around the U.S. for those involved in the field of cancer. They have funded nearly 300 scientists, over 430 peer-reviewed research projects in 39 states, and three in Canada, in more than 150 leading research institutions nationwide; as well as raised awareness of cancer and educated the public about it though exhibits, distribution of material and working with the media. Such public education seeks to teach people how they can lower their chances a getting cancer, as well as teach them how to detect early signs of cancer.

In conjunction with the American Association for Cancer Research
American Association for Cancer Research
The American Association for Cancer Research is the world's oldest and largest professional association to advancing cancer research. Based in Philadelphia, AACR focuses on all aspects of cancer research including basic, clinical and translational research into the etiology, prevention, diagnosis,...

 (AACR) the PCF annually gives out the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)-Prevent Cancer Foundation Award for Excellence in Cancer Prevention Research to a scientist for significant contributions to the field of cancer prevention research in one of the following fields: fundamental science
Fundamental science
Fundamental science is science that describes the most basic objects, forces, relations between them and laws governing them, such that all other phenomena may be in principle derived from them following the logic of scientific reductionism. Biology, chemistry and physics are fundamental sciences;...

, translational science
Translational science
Translational science is a cross disciplinary scientific research that is motivated by the need for practical applications that help people. The term is used mostly in the health sciences and refers to things like the discovery of new drugs that directly help improve human health...

, clinical science, epidemiology
Epidemiology is the study of health-event, health-characteristic, or health-determinant patterns in a population. It is the cornerstone method of public health research, and helps inform policy decisions and evidence-based medicine by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive...

 or behavioral science.

External links

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