PrankStars is a hidden camera
Hidden camera
A hidden camera is a still or video camera used to film people without their knowledge. The camera is "hidden" because it is either not visible to the subject being filmed, or is disguised as another object...

/reality series
Reality television
Reality television is a genre of television programming that presents purportedly unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and usually features ordinary people instead of professional actors, sometimes in a contest or other situation where a prize is awarded...

 that premiered on Disney Channel
Disney Channel
Disney Channel is an American basic cable and satellite television network, owned by the Disney-ABC Television Group division of The Walt Disney Company. It is under the direction of Disney-ABC Television Group President Anne Sweeney. The channel's headquarters is located on West Alameda Ave. in...

 on July 15, 2011. It is hosted by Pair of Kings
Pair of Kings
Pair of Kings is an American television sitcom shown on the Disney XD cable channel. It was created by Dan Cross and David Hoge and stars Mitchel Musso and Doc Shaw. The sitcom's target audience are teenagers...

and Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana is an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real...

star Mitchel Musso
Mitchel Musso
Mitchel Tate Musso is an American actor, singer-songwriter and musician. Musso is best known for his three Disney Channel roles as Oliver Oken in the Disney Channel sitcom, Hannah Montana, Jeremy Johnson in the Disney Channel animated series Phineas and Ferb and his role as King Brady in the...

. The series involves children and teenagers set up by their friends and family to meet their favorite stars in "unpredictable and humorous" settings. The show is Disney Channel's first reality series since Totally in Tune
Totally in Tune
Totally in Tune is a reality series that aired on Disney Channel. The series focuses around eight students who attended Alexander Hamilton High School Academy of Music, in Los Angeles, California. The series dealt with many trials and tribulations of the students in and outside of the academy. The...

. Unlike most Disney Channel series, which generally have new episodes weekly, PrankStars only has one new episode per month. The show's intro is different in each episode, and shows who is on the show for that episode.


gomezSelena Gomez
Selena Gomez
Selena Marie Gomez is an American actress and singer best known for portraying Alex Russo in the Emmy Award-winning Disney Channel television series Wizards of Waverly Place...

1 Wizards of Waverly Place
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wizards of Waverly Place is a Disney Channel Original Series that premiered on October 12, 2007. It won "Outstanding Children's Program" at the 61st Primetime Emmy Awards in 2009...

mussoMitchel Musso
Mitchel Musso
Mitchel Tate Musso is an American actor, singer-songwriter and musician. Musso is best known for his three Disney Channel roles as Oliver Oken in the Disney Channel sitcom, Hannah Montana, Jeremy Johnson in the Disney Channel animated series Phineas and Ferb and his role as King Brady in the...

1 Pair of Kings
Pair of Kings
Pair of Kings is an American television sitcom shown on the Disney XD cable channel. It was created by Dan Cross and David Hoge and stars Mitchel Musso and Doc Shaw. The sitcom's target audience are teenagers...

, Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana is an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real...

ryanDebby Ryan
Debby Ryan
Deborah "Debby" Ryan is an American actress and singer. Ryan is best known for starring as Bailey Pickett in the Disney Channel Original Series The Suite Life on Deck. The Suite Life on Deck became the most watched children's show on television...

1 Jessie
Jessie may refer to:*"Dear Jessie", a song by Madonna*"Jessie's Girl", a 1981 single written and performed by Rick Springfield*"Jessie" , a song written and performed by Joshua Kadison*"Kim & Jessie", a song by M83...

, The Suite Life on Deck
The Suite Life on Deck
The Suite Life on Deck is an American sitcom that aired on Disney Channel from September 26, 2008 to May 6, 2011. It is a sequel/spin-off of the Disney Channel Original Series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody...

hicksAdam Hicks
Adam Hicks
Adam Paul Neilson Hicks is an American actor. His first leading role was in How to Eat Fried Worms. He is most notable for playing Luther in the Disney XD series Zeke and Luther and starring in the Disney Channel Original Movie Lemonade Mouth as Wendell "Wen" Gifford...

2 Lemonade Mouth
Lemonade Mouth
Lemonade Mouth is a young adult novel by Mark Peter Hughes, published in 2007 by Delacorte Press. It is set at Opequonsett High School in Rhode Island and follows five teenagers who meet in detention and ultimately form a band to overcome the struggles of high school...

, Zeke & Luther
mcclainChina Anne McClain 2 A.N.T. Farm
A.N.T. Farm
A.N.T. Farm is a Disney Channel television sitcom that premiered on May 6, 2011 as a special preview and continued as a regular series on June 17, 2011. The pilot episode, "TransplANTed" aired after the series finale of The Suite Life on Deck...

simpsonCody Simpson
Cody Simpson
Cody Robert Simpson is an Australian pop singer from Gold Coast, Queensland, who is currently signed to US record label Atlantic Records.-Early life:...

zendayaZendaya 3 Shake It Up
Shake It Up (TV series)
Shake It Up is an American television sitcom airing on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on November 7, 2010. Created by Chris Thompson and starring Bella Thorne and Zendaya, the show follows the adventures of Cece Jones and Rocky Blue as they star as background dancers on...

howardLeo Howard
Leo Howard
Leo Howard is an American actor, model and martial artist. Beginning his martial arts training at the age of four and an acting career at the age of seven, Howard is known for incorporating his karate and wushu skills into his feature film and television roles; as "Young Snake Eyes" in the 2009...

4 Kickin' It
Kickin' It
Kickin' It is an American martial arts inspired comedy television series, which debuted on June 13, 2011 on Disney XD. Created and executive produced by Jim O'Doherty, the series is rated TV-Y7 and follows the karate instructor at an under-performing martial arts academy, played by Jason Earles,...

thorntonTiffany Thornton
Tiffany Thornton
Tiffany Dawn Thornton is an American actress and singer-songwriter best known for her co-starring role as Tawni Hart on the Disney Channel Original Series, Sonny with a Chance and So Random!.- Career:...

4 So Random!
So Random!
So Random! is an American Disney Channel sketch comedy series that premiered on June 5, 2011. It was announced as an independent series after Demi Lovato left the parent series, Sonny with a Chance...

, Sonny with a Chance
Sonny With a Chance
Sonny with a Chance is an American children's sitcom which aired on Disney Channel, created by Steve Marmel, that follows the experiences of teenager Sonny Munroe, portrayed by Demi Lovato, who becomes the newest accepted cast member of her favorite live comedy show, So Random!.The series debuted...

Raven-Symoné Christina Pearman , known professionally as Raven-Symoné , or simply Raven, is an American actress, singer, songwriter, comedian, dancer, television producer and model. Symoné launched her successful career in 1989 after appearing in The Cosby Show as Olivia...

5 That's So Raven
That's So Raven
That's So Raven is an American cable television teen sitcom/fantasy series. The show premiered on the Disney Channel on January 17, 2003, and ended on November 10, 2007. The show spawned Disney Channel's first spin-off series: Cory in the House...

thorneBella Thorne
Bella Thorne
Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne is an American teen actress, dancer, singer, and model. She is a child model and actor with appearances in more than 20 films and television series and more than 60 commercials, she is best known for her role as the aspiring young dancer, CeCe Jones on the Disney...

5 Shake It Up
Shake It Up (TV series)
Shake It Up is an American television sitcom airing on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on November 7, 2010. Created by Chris Thompson and starring Bella Thorne and Zendaya, the show follows the adventures of Cece Jones and Rocky Blue as they star as background dancers on...

allstarAllstar Weekend
Allstar Weekend
Allstar Weekend is a pop rock band based in Poway, California. The band gained its popularity from the Disney Channel television network. The band originally consisted of lead singer Zach Porter, bassist Cameron Quiseng, guitarist Nathan Darmody, and drummer Michael Martinez but as of September 16,...

mendlerBridgit Mendler
Bridgit Mendler
Bridgit Claire Mendler is an American actress, singer, musician and songwriter. She plays Teddy Duncan on the Disney Channel Original Series Good Luck Charlie and starred in the Disney Channel Original Movie Lemonade Mouth...

6 Good Luck Charlie
Good Luck Charlie
Good Luck Charlie is an original Disney Channel television sitcom, which premiered April 4, 2010. The series was created by Phil Baker and Drew Vaupen, who wanted to create a program that would appeal to entire families, as opposed to children only...

, Lemonade Mouth
Lemonade Mouth
Lemonade Mouth is a young adult novel by Mark Peter Hughes, published in 2007 by Delacorte Press. It is set at Opequonsett High School in Rhode Island and follows five teenagers who meet in detention and ultimately form a band to overcome the struggles of high school...

Series overview

Season Episodes Originally aired (U.S. dates)
Season premiere
Season premiere
In North America, a season premiere is the first episode of a new season of a given television show. It often airs in September or October, after several months of reruns.-Evaluating the changes:...

Season finale
Season finale
A season finale is the final episode of a season of a television program...


Season 1: 2011-2012

Overall# |Episode title |Prod.
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