Pothos longipes
Pothos longipes is a climbing plant of the warmer rainforests of eastern Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

. Distributed from Boorganna Nature Reserve
Boorganna Nature Reserve
Boorganna Nature Reserve is located north west of Taree on the Comboyne Plateau in New South Wales, Australia. Managed by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. It features various forest types, including stands of sub tropical rainforest...

 in the Mid North Coast of New South Wales
New South Wales
New South Wales is a state of :Australia, located in the east of the country. It is bordered by Queensland, Victoria and South Australia to the north, south and west respectively. To the east, the state is bordered by the Tasman Sea, which forms part of the Pacific Ocean. New South Wales...

 to tropical Queensland
Queensland is a state of Australia, occupying the north-eastern section of the mainland continent. It is bordered by the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales to the west, south-west and south respectively. To the east, Queensland is bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean...

. Mostly found on trunks of trees. An attractive plant with interesting flowers and bright red fruit.


A slender, glossy leaved climber or hemi-epiphyte. Leaves 1.5 to 5 cm long, 5 to 15 mm wide. Leaves flattened, appearing constricted with an apparent wasp waist
Wasp waist
Wasp waist refers to a woman's fashion silhouette, produced by a style of corset and girdle, that has experienced various periods of popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its primary feature is the abrupt transition from a natural-width rib cage to an exceedingly small waist, with the hips...

 in the middle of the leaf.

Flowers form in late spring to early summer, being greenish or purple, featuring a lanceolate shaped spathe, 25 mm long. The spadix
In botany, a spadix is a type of spike inflorescence having small flowers borne on a fleshy stem. Spadix are typical of the Family Araceae known as arums or aroids...

 is yellowish and cylindrical, up to 6 cm long. Flowers usually solitary, on a 5 cm stem. The fruit is a red drupe
In botany, a drupe is a fruit in which an outer fleshy part surrounds a shell of hardened endocarp with a seed inside. These fruits develop from a single carpel, and mostly from flowers with superior ovaries...

, 8 to 13 mm long. Germination from fresh seed is not particularly difficult.
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