Pierre Bernard (graphic designer)
Pierre Bernard is a prominent and internationally acclaimed French
French people
The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

 graphic artist and designer
Graphic designer
A graphic designer is a professional within the graphic design and graphic arts industry who assembles together images, typography or motion graphics to create a piece of design. A graphic designer creates the graphics primarily for published, printed or electronic media, such as brochures and...

. He was a member and then the manager for the L’Atelier Création Graphique in Paris, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

, an organization he founded along with Dirk Behage and Fokke Draaijer. He was the recipient of the 2006 Prix Erasme. In 1970, Bernard founded Grapus
Grapus was a collective of graphic artists, working together between 1970 and 1991, which sought to combine excellence of design with a social conscience.-History:...

, a collective of graphic artists who are members of the French Communist Party
French Communist Party
The French Communist Party is a political party in France which advocates the principles of communism.Although its electoral support has declined in recent decades, the PCF retains a large membership, behind only that of the Union for a Popular Movement , and considerable influence in French...

. Bernard has been a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale
Alliance Graphique Internationale
Alliance Graphique Internationale is a club of the world’s leading graphic artists and designers. There are about 350 members from 27 countries.- History :...

 since 1987. He was a notable graphic design teacher at the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs
École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs
The École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs is a public university of art and design and is one of the most prestigious French grande école...

 (ENSAD) in Paris. Bernard's status as a graphic designer equals that of graphic artists such as Niklaus Troxler and Werner Jekerof of Switzerland and Eiko Ishioka
Eiko Ishioka
is an Oscar-winning costume designer, known for her work in stage, screen, advertising, and print media, and has been called "Japan’s leading art director and graphic designer," though she now works primarily in New York City....

 of Japan.

Books by Bernard

  • Le roman du Mississippi
  • Le roman du Nil (1977:Plon
    Plon (publisher)
    Plon is a French book publishing company, founded in 1852 by Henri Plon and his two brothers.The Plon family were Walloons coming from Nivelle, France. One of their ancestors is probably the Danish typographer Jehan Plon who lived at the end of the 16th century.-History:The Editions Plon were...

    , Paris, ISBN 2259002846)
  • Le roman de la Loire
  • Le roman du Gange (1991:Plon, Paris, ISBN 2259022162)
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