Pene Yehoshua
Pene Yehoshua is the name of four different works of Rabbinic literature
Rabbinic literature
Rabbinic literature, in its broadest sense, can mean the entire spectrum of rabbinic writings throughout Jewish history. However, the term often refers specifically to literature from the Talmudic era, as opposed to medieval and modern rabbinic writing, and thus corresponds with the Hebrew term...

  • Homilies in the order of the parashas by Rabbi Yehoshua Falk ben Alexander HaCohen Katz
    Joshua Falk
    ----Joshua ben Alexander HaCohen Falk was a Polish Halakhist and Talmudist, best known as the author of the Beit Yisrael commentary on the Arba'ah Turim as well as Sefer Me'irat Enayim on Shulkhan Arukh...

    , 1742
  • Responsa
    Responsa comprise a body of written decisions and rulings given by legal scholars in response to questions addressed to them.-In the Roman Empire:Roman law recognised responsa prudentium, i.e...

     (She'elot u-Teshuvot Pene Yehoshua) by Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel ben Yosef
    Joshua Höschel ben Joseph
    Joshua Höschel ben Joseph was a Polish rabbi born in Vilnius, Lithuania about 1578 and died in Cracow on August 16, 1648. In his boyhood, he journeyed to Przemyśl, Red Ruthenia, to study the Talmud under Rabbi Samuel ben Phoebus of Cracow. He returned to his native country, and continued his...

    , 1715
  • Commentary and novellae on the Talmud
    The Talmud is a central text of mainstream Judaism. It takes the form of a record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs and history....

     by Rabbi Yaakov Yehoshua ben Tzvi Hirsch
    Yaakov Yehoshua ben Tzvi Hirsch
    Jacob Joshua Falk 1680 - January 16, 1756) was a Polish and German rabbi and Talmudist.-Early life:...

     "Pnei Yeoshua" by Jacob Joshua Falk, 1680-1756
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