Paul Tosari
Paul Tosari was one Java
Java is an island of Indonesia. With a population of 135 million , it is the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely populated regions in the world. It is home to 60% of Indonesia's population. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is in west Java...

Evangelism refers to the practice of relaying information about a particular set of beliefs to others who do not hold those beliefs. The term is often used in reference to Christianity....

 based in Surabaya
Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...

. He is known among the Christians of East Java
East Java
East Java is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the eastern part of the island of Java and includes neighboring Madura and islands to its east and to its north East Java is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the eastern part of the island of Java and includes neighboring Madura and...

. The existence of the Christian Church Jawi Wetan currently also not out of the job. Paul Tosari also known by many people outside the area because he was writing the lessons of religion in the form of song or poem Java.

Paul Tosari born in 1813 and died in 1882. He had studied at the seminary
A seminary, theological college, or divinity school is an institution of secondary or post-secondary education for educating students in theology, generally to prepare them for ordination as clergy or for other ministry...

 but runs poorly. Tosari been studied to Coolen in 1840. Paul Tosari is one of the followers Coenrad Laurens Coolen
Coenrad Laurens Coolen
Coenrad Laurens Coolen is one of the lay evangelists who did evangelical work in East Java. He did the evangelists in Java along with other lay Evangelists such as Kiai Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung, Paul Tosari and Johannes Emde.- Biography :...

 who was expelled from Ngoro
-References:* * - Thèse de Donation Avele, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV * Charles Nanga, , Mémoire ENA....

 and originally lived in Sidokare. After moving from Sidokare to Mojowarno he actually appeared as the spiritual leader of the congregation. He became an evangelist and church teacher Mojowarno well. In the leadership, developing Mojowarno free and full of enthusiasm for self-sufficient. Paul's desire Tosari the main thing is to break away from the shadow of the Protestant Church in Surabaya. He also did evangelism in the area that stretches between Sidoarjo to Madison. All activities of evangelism was done in about 1848.
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