Park Avenue Logger
Park Avenue Logger is a 1937 American film directed by David Howard
David Howard (director)
David Howard was an American film director. He directed 46 films between 1930 and 1941.He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and died in Los Angeles, California.-Selected filmography:...


The film is also known as Millionaire Playboy in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 and Tall Timber (American reissue title).

Differences from source

The original story "Park Avenue Logger" was published in The Saturday Evening Post
The Saturday Evening Post
The Saturday Evening Post is a bimonthly American magazine. It was published weekly under this title from 1897 until 1969, and quarterly and then bimonthly from 1971.-History:...

on 30 November 1935.


  • George O'Brien as Grant Curran
  • Beatrice Roberts
    Beatrice Roberts
    Alice Beatrice Roberts was an American film actress. She was briefly married to the cartoonist and showman Robert L. Ripley and a mistress of Louis B. Mayer....

     as Peggy O'Shea
  • Willard Robertson
    Willard Robertson
    Willard Robertson was an American actor. He appeared in 146 films between 1924 and 1948. He was born in Runnels, Texas and died in Hollywood, California.-Selected filmography:*Graft *Shanghaied Love...

     as Ben Morton
  • Ward Bond
    Ward Bond
    Wardell Edwin "Ward" Bond was an American film actor whose rugged appearance and easygoing charm were featured in over 200 movies and the television series Wagon Train.-Early life:...

     as Paul Sangar
  • Bert Hanlon as Nick
  • Gertrude Short
    Gertrude Short
    Gertrude Short was an American film actress of the silent and early sound era. She appeared in 132 films between 1912 and 1945.She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and died in Hollywood, California, aged 66....

     as Margy MacLean
  • Lloyd Ingraham as Mike Curran
  • George Rosener
    George Rosener
    George Michael Rosener wrote and acted in the Frank Buck serial Jungle Menace. -Career:...

     as Matt O'Shea
  • Robert Emmett O'Connor as Police Sergeant
  • Brother Jonathan
    Brother Jonathan
    Brother Jonathan was a fictional character created to personify the entire United States, in the early days of the country's existence.In editorial cartoons and patriotic posters, Brother Jonathan was usually depicted as a typical American revolutionary, with tri-cornered hat and long military jacket...

    as Wrestler
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