Palmer, Saskatchewan
Palmer is a small unorganized hamlet located 15km east of the town of Gravelbourg
Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan
-Education:The town has for the past four decades been noteworthy for College Mathieu, a francophone boarding school for boys and girls who wish to acquire or retain fluency in French...

 in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan is a prairie province in Canada, which has an area of . Saskatchewan is bordered on the west by Alberta, on the north by the Northwest Territories, on the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota....

The population of Palmer fluctuates during the year, hovering in the double digits with peak population occurring in the summer months. The main reason of this spike is due to the efforts of the residents to establish Palmer as a venue for performing artists.

History of the church

The prominent structure in Palmer is St. Oliver's Catholic Church which closed its doors in 1970. Eventually purchased by Mr. Bowler from his grandfather's estate, the building became simply known as "The Church".

The first mass was held by Father Gravel on May 17, 1914 and in the spirit of historical recognition, the residents of Palmer will be hosting Centennial Celebrations on May 17, 2014, highlighted by a music festival with the main stage located within the church.

Lord Paton is the main land baron of the small ghost town. A magnate from the Northwest, Paton has revitalized the community with an injection of financing and retro-progressive ideas for attracting tourism to the area. Current residents are anxious for the lighting of his "Infernal Torch" which will burn indefinitely from the remnants of a once majestic structure since fallen into disrepair. The "Torch" will emit an entrancing toxic smudge that will forever mark the town as one that never forgets its past while keenly keeping in key with the present state of the world.

Other points of Interest include the "Sidingless House", a true marvel in renovation that will beg the observer to wonder exactly what he's looking at and why. Meanwhile , the "House in the Middle of the Street" is the pièce de résistance of Lord Paton's estate. Situated in the center of 1st Ave East, the structure is meant to defy all logic and reasoning as it meshes residence with road allowance forcing the potential tourist to re-evaluate their concept of "motor-home".

Those in charge of the tourism bureau of Palmer are highly anticipating the winter tourist rush and are thankful to Lord Paton for his diligence and hard work in ensuring that these attractions would be open for the public before the first snow fall.
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