Nikolai Ostroumov
Nikolai Petrovich Ostroumov (1846-1930) was an educationalist in Turkestan
Turkestan, spelled also as Turkistan, literally means "Land of the Turks".The term Turkestan is of Persian origin and has never been in use to denote a single nation. It was first used by Persian geographers to describe the place of Turkish peoples...


He studied under Nikolai Il'minskii
Nikolai Il'minskii
Nikolai Ivanovich Il'minskii was a Russian turkologist....

 at the Kazan Theological Seminary
Kazan Theological Seminary
The Kazan Theological Seminary is the principal Russian Orthodox seminary in the Diocese of Kazan.-History:Orthodox Christian Theological education began in 1718 in Kazan with the setting up of a school for education of children of the clergy in the Kazan area. This was then followed by the opening...

, where he studied Arabic and Turkic languages
Turkic languages
The Turkic languages constitute a language family of at least thirty five languages, spoken by Turkic peoples across a vast area from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean to Siberia and Western China, and are considered to be part of the proposed Altaic language family.Turkic languages are spoken...

 as well as Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...


He was editor of Turkistan Wilayatining Gazeti from 1883 - 1917.
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