Net-Results is a Marketing automation
Marketing Automation
The name given to software platforms designed for marketing departments and organizations to automate repetitive tasks is Marketing Automation. Marketing departments, consultants and part-time marketing employees benefit by specifying criteria and outcomes for tasks and processes which are then...

 and demand generation
Demand generation
Demand Generation is the focus of targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in a company's products and/or services. Commonly used in business to business, business to government, or longer business to consumer sales cycles, demand generation involves multiple areas of marketing...

 software-as-a-service company that provides cost-effective services to small and medium enterprises. Net-Results integrates internet marketing
Internet marketing
Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, is referred to as the marketing of products or services over the Internet...

 elements such as email marketing, web analytics
Web analytics
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage....

, webform mapping and Lead management
Lead management
Lead Management is a term used in general business practice to describe methodologies, systems, and practices designed to generate new potential business clientele, generally operated through a variety of marketing techniques. Lead management facilitates a business's connection between its outgoing...

 to allow users to identify, monitor, and communicate with website visitors and prospects.

Once a website visitor has performed any of several opt-in actions such as completing a webform, responding to an email, or responding to a direct mail piece, Net-Results can determine their identity and behavior. Identifying information may include the visitor's name, phone number, email address, company name, and location when available, as well as search phrases, referral sources, pages viewed, time spent viewing each page, total visit duration, and more.

Net-Results users know who opens their email, what links they click on, what pages they view, how long each visit lasts, if they have been to the website previously, and every time they return. The email system is integrated with the visitor tracking system, allowing users to continually monitor the interests of prospects and customers. With Net-Results email marketing services, users can follow up with customers and prospects in an automated fashion.

An integral component of the Net-Results business objective is building strong relationships with reseller
A reseller is a company or individual that purchases goods or services with the intention of reselling them rather than consuming or using them. This is usually done for profit...

s. These channel partner
Channel partner
A channel partner is a company that partners with a manufacturer or producer to market and sell the manufacturer's products, services, or technologies. This is usually done through a co-branding relationship...

ships allow resellers to offer the Net-Results service to their respective customers.


Net-Results was founded in 2003 by entrepreneur Michael P. Ward. He envisioned the concept for the software while reviewing a client’s Web server file logs. He noticed that someone had searched for a high-dollar item by specific model number on his client’s site but did not order. He realized that only a very specific type of customer with a fair amount of money would perform such a search, and that his client could greatly benefit from knowing who that visitor was. From that point forward, development began on Net-Results to turn Michael's concept of website visitor tracking into a widely-available service.


Net-Results' published feature list includes:
  • Marketing Automation
    Marketing Automation
    The name given to software platforms designed for marketing departments and organizations to automate repetitive tasks is Marketing Automation. Marketing departments, consultants and part-time marketing employees benefit by specifying criteria and outcomes for tasks and processes which are then...

  • Demand Generation
    Demand generation
    Demand Generation is the focus of targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in a company's products and/or services. Commonly used in business to business, business to government, or longer business to consumer sales cycles, demand generation involves multiple areas of marketing...

  • Lead scoring
    Lead scoring
    Lead scoring is a method of assigning points to each prospect you come across. Points are assigned based on specific criteria you set—those attributes you've identified as being most often associated with serious prospective customers...

  • Lead management
    Lead management
    Lead Management is a term used in general business practice to describe methodologies, systems, and practices designed to generate new potential business clientele, generally operated through a variety of marketing techniques. Lead management facilitates a business's connection between its outgoing...

  • Email Marketing
  • Lead generation
    Lead generation
    Lead generation, or lead gen is a marketing tool used, particularly in internet marketing, to generate consumer interest or inquiry into products or services of a business. Leads can be generated for a variety of purposes - list building, e-newsletter list acquisition or for winning customers....

  • Lead Nurturing
  • List Management
  • Website Visitor Tracking
  • Web Form Mapping and Data Capture

External links

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