Nabdalsa was a Numidia
Numidia was an ancient Berber kingdom in part of present-day Eastern Algeria and Western Tunisia in North Africa. It is known today as the Chawi-land, the land of the Chawi people , the direct descendants of the historical Numidians or the Massyles The kingdom began as a sovereign state and later...

n chieftain
Chieftain may refer to:The leader or head of a group:* a tribal chief or a village head.* a member of the 'House of chiefs'.* a captain, to which 'chieftain' is etymologically related.* Clan chief, the head of a Scottish clan....


Conspicuous both from his birth and wealth, he enjoyed a high place in the favour of the Numidian king Jugurtha
Jugurtha or Jugurthen was a King of Numidia, , born in Cirta .-Background:Until the reign of Jugurtha's grandfather Masinissa, the people of Numidia were semi-nomadic and indistinguishable from the other Libyans in North Africa...

, by whom he was frequently employed in services of the most important nature. In consequence of the confidence thus reposed in him, he was the person selected by Bomilcar
Bomilcar (2nd century BC)
Bomilcar was a Numidian nobleman of the 2nd century BC and a follower of the Numidian king Jugurtha, whom he later betrayed.Deep in the confidence of Jugurtha, Bomilcar was employed on many secret services...

as his intended minister in his designs against the life of Jugurtha; but the negligence of Nabdalsa suffered these projects to transpire. Bomilcar was seized and put to death, but we are not informed whether Nabdalsa shared the same fate.
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