Melanitis phedima
The Dark Evening Brown (Melanitis phedima) is a species of butterfly found flying at dusk. The flight of this species is erratic. They are found in South Asia
South Asia
South Asia, also known as Southern Asia, is the southern region of the Asian continent, which comprises the sub-Himalayan countries and, for some authorities , also includes the adjoining countries to the west and the east...


Food plants

Ischaemum semisagittatum and a variety of grasses of the genera Andropogon
Andropogon is a genus of grasses. Andropogon gerardii, big bluestem, is the official state grass of Illinois.Broomsedge is found along the eastern United States...

, Cymbopogon
Cymbopogon is a genus of about 55 species of grasses, native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World and Oceania. It is a tall perennial grass...

, Pennisetum
Pennisetum is a genus of grasses in the family Poaceae, native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. They are large annual or perennial grasses growing 1–4 m tall, and are collectively known as the pennisetums...

, Setaria
Setaria is a genus of grasses in the Poaceae family.-Selected species:* Setaria cernua Kunth* Setaria dielsii R.A.W.Herrm.* Setaria faberi R.A.W.Herrm.* Setaria incrassata Hack. – Vlei Bristle Grass...

, Oplismenus compositus and Bambusa arundinacea.
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