Maureen Govern
Maureen Govern was Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at AOL
AOL Inc. is an American global Internet services and media company. AOL is headquartered at 770 Broadway in New York. Founded in 1983 as Control Video Corporation, it has franchised its services to companies in several nations around the world or set up international versions of its services...

 at the time of their search data release
AOL search data
The AOL search data leak was the release of detailed search logs by AOL of a large number of AOL users. The release was intentional and intended for a research purposes; however, the public release meant that the entire Internet could see the results, rather than a select number of academics...

. The researcher who released the data and his supervisor were reportedly fired.

Govern is a native of Evanston, IL. She has a BS degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Western Illinois University and an MS degree in Operations
Research from Stanford University. She began her career in 1978 as a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories in Naperville, Illinois. Before becoming
CTO of AOL, she held management
positions at Bell Labs in Holmdel NJ; NYNEX Science and Technology Inc; Bell Communications Research (Bellcore); Northern Telecom - Bell Northern Research (BNR);
Motorola Global Telecommunications Solutions Sector; and Convergys Corporation where she was also CTO.
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