Masayuki Kawamura
was a Japanese physician who worked at Kikuchi Keifuen Sanatorium
Kikuchi Keifuen Sanatorium
Kikuchi Keifuen Sanatorium or National Sanatorium Kikuchi Keifuen is a sanatorium for leprosy patients or ex-leprosy patients at Kohshi-shi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto-ken, Japan founded in 1909...

 between 1909 and 1933. He was the only physician-director of the sanatorium at its start, while there were officials of the police stations heading other public sanatoriums at their start.

Life and work

Masayuki Kawamura was born in Fukuoka Prefecture
Fukuoka Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located on Kyūshū Island. The capital is the city of Fukuoka.- History :Fukuoka Prefecture includes the former provinces of Chikugo, Chikuzen, and Buzen....

 on May 1, 1878. He graduated from Tokyo University and later worked at a leprosy
Leprosy or Hansen's disease is a chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Named after physician Gerhard Armauer Hansen, leprosy is primarily a granulomatous disease of the peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract; skin lesions...

 hospital. In 1909, he became the first director of Kikuchi Keifuen Sanatorium
Kikuchi Keifuen Sanatorium
Kikuchi Keifuen Sanatorium or National Sanatorium Kikuchi Keifuen is a sanatorium for leprosy patients or ex-leprosy patients at Kohshi-shi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto-ken, Japan founded in 1909...

, on the recommendation of Prof. Masanori Ogata, Department of Sanitary Sciences, Tokyo University, where he had studied. In 1926-7, he travelled to Europe or, more specifically, to Denmark
Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The countries of Denmark and Greenland, as well as the Faroe Islands, constitute the Kingdom of Denmark . It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark...

, Fjerritslev
Fjerritslev is a town in Jammerbugt Municipality, Region Nordjylland in Denmark. The town's population is 3,403 .Until 1 January 2007, Fjerritslev was the municipal seat of the former Fjerritslev Municipality.-External links:* -References:...

, and visited various places including the Bergen Sanatorium in Norway. In 1932, he became Ph.D. at Kumamoto University
Kumamoto University
is a university located in Kumamoto, Japan. It was established on May 31, 1949, at which time the following institutions were subsumed into it; Kumamoto Teachers College , Kumamoto Pharmaceutical College , The Fifth High School , Kumamoto Medical College , and Kumamoto Technical College ....

. He suddenly died of penetrating peritonitis
Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the serous membrane that lines part of the abdominal cavity and viscera. Peritonitis may be localised or generalised, and may result from infection or from a non-infectious process.-Abdominal pain and tenderness:The main manifestations of...

 at Tsuetates hot spring
Hot spring
A hot spring is a spring that is produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater from the Earth's crust. There are geothermal hot springs in many locations all over the crust of the earth.-Definitions:...

 in Kumamoto Prefecture
Kumamoto Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located on Kyushu Island. The capital is the city of Kumamoto.- History :Historically the area was called Higo Province; and the province was renamed Kumamoto during the Meiji Restoration. The creation of prefectures was part of the abolition of the feudal system...

 on July 28, 1933.

Papers and presentations

The following were by Masayuki Kawamura:
  • "The use of Tetrodotoxin
    Tetrodotoxin, also known as "tetrodox" and frequently abbreviated as TTX, sometimes colloquially referred to as "zombie powder" by those who practice Vodou, is a potent neurotoxin with no known antidote. There have been successful tests of a possible antidote in mice, but further tests must be...

     in leprosy
    Leprosy or Hansen's disease is a chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Named after physician Gerhard Armauer Hansen, leprosy is primarily a granulomatous disease of the peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract; skin lesions...

    " (1912). Kawamura M et al. Chizei Ikai Jiho, 141.
    • It was effective to some degree in neuralgic pain, but not effective in lepromatous leprosy
      Lepromatous leprosy
      Lepromatous leprosy is a skin condition consisting of pale macules.It results from the failure of Th1 cell activation which is necessary to eradicate the parasite....

  • "On the leprosy settlement (Honmyoji buraku) in Kumamoto" (1933). Kawamura M, Uchida M, Shimose H. Repura 4,1,228.
    • Discussed were various problems such as why leprosy patients gathered there, on the ease of life of leprosy patients. Leprosy patients probably gathered in the Kyoho
      was a after Shōtoku and before Gembun. This period spanned the years from July 1716 through April 1736. The reigning emperors were and .-Change of era:...

       years or 1716-1735.
  • "On the treatment of leprosy as a social problem". Kawamura M, Uchida M. Repura. Kawamra M, et al. Repura, 4,1.
    • The biggest problem is that even if leprosy clears, the patient has not been treated normally by the presence of leprosy stigma
      Leprosy stigma
      Leprosy stigma is a kind of social stigma, a strong feeling that a leprosy patient is shameful and is not accepted normally in society. Also called leprosy related stigma, leprostigma and stigma of leprosy.-Stigma:...

      . At present, a clinical complete cure is necessary.
  • "Studies on murine leprosy: effects of chaulmoogra oil" (1932). 5th Leprosy Congress at Osaka.
  • "Studies on murine leprosy: pathological differences from human leprosy" (1932). 5th Leprosy Congress at Osaka.
  • "Studies on murine leprosy: relations betwee the amount of inoculated bacteria and lesions" (1932). 5th Leprosy Congress at Osaka.
  • "Studies on murine leprosy: Mitsuda reaction" (1932). 5th Leprosy Congress at Osaka.

Personal life

He was sincere and was popular among leprosy patients. He liked Waka (poetry)
Waka (poetry)
Waka or Yamato uta is a genre of classical Japanese verse and one of the major genres of Japanese literature...

, Haiku
' , plural haiku, is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:* The essence of haiku is "cutting"...

, East Asian calligraphy
East Asian calligraphy
East Asian calligraphy is a form of calligraphy widely practised and revered in the Sinosphere. This most often includes China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The East Asian calligraphic tradition originated and developed from China. There is a general standardization of the various styles of...

and drawing pictures and enjoyed waka and haiku with patients. When he died suddenly, patients composed many Bon Buddhist dance songs.
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