Mac Classic and SE Repair and Upgrade Secrets
Mac Classic and SE Repair and Upgrade Secrets is a book written by Larry Pina
Larry Pina
Larry Pina is an author of five do-it-yourself repair manuals for Apple Macintosh computers and peripherals. According to several of the books, Pina was living in Westport, Massachusetts when they were published, but he seems to have disappeared of late.- Books :*Macintosh Repair & Upgrade Secrets...

 that describes how to repair and upgrade a Macintosh Classic
Macintosh Classic
The Macintosh Classic was a personal computer manufactured by Apple Computer. Introduced on October 15, 1990, it was the first Apple Macintosh to sell for less than US$1,000. Production of the Classic was prompted by the success of the Macintosh Plus and the SE...

 and Macintosh SE
Macintosh SE
The Macintosh SE was a personal computer manufactured by Apple between March 1987 and October 1990. This computer marked a significant improvement on the Macintosh Plus design and was introduced by Apple at the same time as the Macintosh II....

 personal computer
Personal computer
A personal computer is any general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator...

 without spending more money than required. It was first published by Peachpit Press in 1993, and is out of print
Out of print
Out of print refers to an item, typically a book , but can include any print or visual media or sound recording, that is in the state of no longer being published....

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