Liverpool Cathedral Constables
Liverpool Cathedral Constables are a private constabulary responsible for providing security for Liverpool Cathedral
Liverpool Cathedral
Liverpool Cathedral is the Church of England cathedral of the Diocese of Liverpool, built on St James's Mount in Liverpool and is the seat of the Bishop of Liverpool. Its official name is the Cathedral Church of Christ in Liverpool but it is dedicated to Christ and the Blessed Virgin...

. Its officers are not attested as constable
A constable is a person holding a particular office, most commonly in law enforcement. The office of constable can vary significantly in different jurisdictions.-Etymology:...

s, but take their title of 'constable' from a long held tradition, dating back to the 13th century. At one time, many cathedrals appointed ecclesiastical constables, to uphold law and order in and around their precincts.

Liverpool Cathedral is one of only three cathedrals nationally to employ constables; York Minster
York Minster
York Minster is a Gothic cathedral in York, England and is one of the largest of its kind in Northern Europe alongside Cologne Cathedral. The minster is the seat of the Archbishop of York, the second-highest office of the Church of England, and is the cathedral for the Diocese of York; it is run by...

 (York Minster Police
York Minster Police
York Minster Police is a small, specialised cathedral constabulary responsible for policing York Minster in York, United Kingdom. The Head Policeman is Steve Wilkinson.-History:...

) and Hereford Cathedral
Hereford Cathedral
The current Hereford Cathedral, located at Hereford in England, dates from 1079. Its most famous treasure is Mappa Mundi, a mediæval map of the world dating from the 13th century. The cathedral is a Grade I listed building.-Origins:...

 are the other two, although Hereford has only a single officer. The constables endeavour to maintain the history and tradition of ecclesiastical constables through the Cathedral Constables' Association.
Liverpool Cathedral's specialist constabulary was formed on 15 August 2005. Before this date its members were the Cathedral's security team. They were granted permission to become constables by the Dean and Chapter
Cathedral chapter
In accordance with canon law, a cathedral chapter is a college of clerics formed to advise a bishop and, in the case of a vacancy of the episcopal see in some countries, to govern the diocese in his stead. These councils are made up of canons and dignitaries; in the Roman Catholic church their...

; having previously forged close links with the constables of the York Minster Police, a body of men and women who can trace their origins back to the thirteenth century, Liverpool Cathedral followed in this ancient tradition and appointed its security officers as constables.

Today, Liverpool Cathedral and its precinct are protected by a team of 10 constables, managed by a Head Constable. Working in teams of two, they provide 24 hour cover, 365 days a year. The security of the Cathedral is not their only responsibility; constables also patrol the adjacent residential college campus, providing much needed security to the young people who reside there. Constables work out of the Constables’ Lodge, a single story building at the entrance to the Cathedral’s precinct, from where they watch all comings and goings with the aid of an extensive range of CCTV cameras and monitors. In January 2011, the Cathedral appointed its first female constable and voluntary constable.

The Cathedral's constables wear uniforms similar to typical British police officers, but do not carry handcuffs
Handcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists close together. They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain, a hinge, or rigid bar. Each half has a rotating arm which engages with a ratchet that prevents it from being opened once closed around a person's wrist...

 or batons
Baton (law enforcement)
A truncheon or baton is essentially a club of less than arm's length made of wood, plastic, or metal...

. They wear a white shirt with epaulettes, black tie, black combat style trousers, and a high visibility jacket with the words "Cathedral Constable" on the back. Although they are not sworn in as constables and do not have police powers
Powers of the police in England and Wales
The powers of the police in England and Wales are defined largely by statute law, with the main sources of power being the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and the Police Act 1996. This article covers the powers of territorial police forces only. In law, police powers are given to...

, they are trained to deal with difficult and occasionally dangerous situations whilst ensuring minimal disruption to the spiritual tranquillity of the Cathedral. On the rare occasion when the constables have made an arrest, they have used 'any person' powers of arrest under Section 24a of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 is an Act of Parliament which instituted a legislative framework for the powers of police officers in England and Wales to combat crime, as well as providing codes of practice for the exercise of those powers. Part VI of PACE required the Home Secretary...

. The constables, through the Cathedral Constables' Association, have published a short book entitled, 'Cathedral Beat.' The book is a series of reflections related to individual constable's experiences.

The more traditional policing functions for the Cathedral are conducted by the local territorial police force
Territorial police force
The phrase Territorial Police Force varies in precise meaning according to the country to which it is related, generally distinguishing a force whose area of responsibility is defined by sub-national boundaries from others which deal with the entire country or a restricted range of...

, Merseyside Police
Merseyside Police
Merseyside Police is the territorial police force responsible for policing Merseyside in North West England. The force area is 647 square kilometres with a population of around 1.5 million...

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