List of moths of Great Britain (Cossidae)
The family
Family (biology)
In biological classification, family is* a taxonomic rank. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, and species, with family fitting between order and genus. As for the other well-known ranks, there is the option of an immediately lower rank, indicated by the...

Cossidae, the cossid millers or carpenter millers, make up a family of mostly large miller moths. Ths family contains over 110 genera with almost 700 known species, and many more species await description...

 comprises the "leopard and goat moths", of which three occur in Great Britain
Great Britain
Great Britain or Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island, as well as the largest of the British Isles...


Subfamily Zeuzerinae 

  • Phragmataecia castaneae
    Phragmataecia castaneae
    The Reed Leopard is a moth of the family Cossidae. It is found in Europe.The wingspan is 27–50 mm, the female being larger than the male. The wings are buffish-grey with fine dark spotting. The female has a very long abdomen, which extends far beyond the wingtips at rest...

    Reed Leopard — east & south (Red Data Book)
  • Zeuzera pyrina
    Zeuzera pyrina
    The Leopard Moth or Wood Leopard Moth is a moth of the family Cossidae. It is found primarily in Europe. It was introduced into the northeastern United States prior to 1879 and has a range extending from Maine to Pennsylvania....

    Leopard Moth — east, south & central

Subfamily Cossinae
The Cossinae are the nominate subfamily of the Cossidae . The caterpillars of several Cossinae species, such as the Carpenterworm and the Goat Moth , are significant pests...


  • Cossus cossus
    Cossus cossus
    The Goat Moth is a moth of the family Cossidae. It is found in Europe.This is a large heavy moth with a wingspan of 68–96 mm. The wings are greyish brown and marked with fine dark cross lines...

    Goat Moth — throughout (Nationally Scarce B) ‡

Species listed in the 2007 UK Biodiversity Action Plan
United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan
The United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan is the governmental response to the Convention on Biological Diversity signed in 1992. When the Biodiversity Action Plans were first published in 1994, the conservation of 391 species and 45 habitats was covered. 1,150 species and 65 habitats are...

(BAP) are indicated by a double-dagger symbol (‡).
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