List of The Poseidon Adventure characters
The following list is a list of characters from the 1972 disaster film
Disaster film
A disaster film is a film genre that has an impending or ongoing disaster as its subject...

 The Poseidon Adventure starring Gene Hackman
Gene Hackman
Eugene Allen "Gene" Hackman is an American actor and novelist.Nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two, Hackman has also won three Golden Globes and two BAFTAs in a career that spanned five decades. He first came to fame in 1967 with his performance as Buck Barrow in Bonnie and Clyde...

, Ernest Borgnine
Ernest Borgnine
Ernest Borgnine is an American actor of television and film. His career has spanned more than six decades. He was an unconventional lead in many films of the 1950s, including his Academy Award-winning turn in the 1955 film Marty...

, Red Buttons, Carol Lynley
Carol Lynley
Carol Lynley is an American actress and former child model.-Life and career:Lynley was born Carole Ann Jones in New York City, the daughter of Frances , a waitress, and Cyril Jones. Her father was Irish and her mother, a native of New England, was of English, Scottish, Welsh, German, and Native...

, Stella Stevens
Stella Stevens
Stella Stevens Stella Stevens Stella Stevens (born October 1, 1938 is an American film, television and stage actress, who began her acting career in 1959 and starred in such popular films as The Nutty Professor, The Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Silencers, The Ballad of Cable Hogue and The...

, Shelley Winters
Shelley Winters
Shelley Winters was an American actress who appeared in dozens of films, as well as on stage and television; her career spanned over 50 years until her death in 2006...

, and Roddy McDowall
Roddy McDowall
Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude "Roddy" McDowall was an English actor and photographer. His film roles included Cornelius and Caesar in the Planet of the Apes film series...


Reverend Frank Scott

Reverend Scott, played by Gene Hackman
Gene Hackman
Eugene Allen "Gene" Hackman is an American actor and novelist.Nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two, Hackman has also won three Golden Globes and two BAFTAs in a career that spanned five decades. He first came to fame in 1967 with his performance as Buck Barrow in Bonnie and Clyde...

 initially came onto the S.S. Poseidon as a reverend who delivered sermons to the passengers, believing that they shouldn't always look to God to solve their problems, but instead look to that part of God within them. Reverend Scott's good friend aboard the ship was Chaplain John, whom Reverend Scott seemed unwilling to leave when he and the other survivors were to attempt to escape the ship after it capsized. At the New Year's Eve party, Reverend Scott was left in charge of the Captain's table by Captain Harrison when he and Linarcos were summoned to the Bridge, and proposed a toast to love with those sitting at his table, including Mike and Linda Rogo. When the ship capsized, Reverend Scott declared to a terrified Linda that they had turned over, and after everyone had calmed down, he and Robin Shelby spotted Robin's sister Susan trapped from above on a table bolted to the floor, now the ceiling. Scott took charge of this and helped Susan down. Upon the Christmas tree then collapsing, one of the stewards Acres called to them from above, and at first Scott insisted on him coming down to him, but James Martin declared that they should go up to Acres. Scott decided on this and argued with the Purser about what to do until finally gathering up the Rogos, the Rosens, Martin, Robin and Susan, Nonnie Parry, and Acres to go with him, though the others, including friend Chaplain John refused to go. Scott led everyone in using the Christmas tree as a ladder, and climbed up to the next deck where Acres was, shortly thereafter, the Ball Room was flooded, and everyone died, despite Scott's attempts to save them.

Upon getting over the deaths of all of the people in the Ball Room, Scott and Acres found the Kitchen, and Scott went on ahead briefly in order to check if the Kitchen was safe. Once passing through the Kitchen, they came to a staircase using a firehose to help everyone up. Scott and Acres found a tunnel leading through an air shaft that led to Broadway, Scott telling Rogo to help everyone up. When nearly everyone was through, the ship's sudden explosions caused Acres to fall into the boiling water below the air shaft, and was lost, despite Rogo's attempts to save him. On Broadway, Scott and the others discovered more survivors led by the Doctor, who disagreed on Scott's statement that the bow, where they were heading, was underwater. Rogo and Scott then argued over the loss of Acres, and an angry Rogo insisted that they should've headed with the other survivors and not Scott, prompting Scott to go on ahead to find the Engine Room, where they were headed, making a bet with Rogo that if he wasn't back in 15 minutes, they would go the other way. Scott made it back as they were to leave, and led them to the corridor to the Engine Room, submerged by 35 feet of water. Scott swam through in order to find the correct path, tying a rope on his waist to tug on when he made it. He made it only halfway, though, as a fractured steel wall then crushed him, but thanks to Belle Rosen, a former W.S.A. champion, he was rescued, but was then angered by the death of Belle, due to a heart attack.

Once everyone had made it through and Scott had found the way to go, Manny was at first reluctant to leave the remains of his wife, but Scott convinced him that her death was meaningless unless he went with them, and give him the Chai pendant she had given him before she died, which represented the sign for life. Scott further led the group upwards to the entrance to the propeller shaft, but sudden explosions from below caused Linda Rogo to fall to her death in the fire. A furious Rogo then blamed Scott for the death of his wife and was, like Manny, reluctant to go on. Angered at the three deaths and the steam blocking their escape, Scott jumped onto the valve to turn off the steam, hanging above the pit below, then denouncing God and offering himself as a sacrifice, committing suicide by throwing himself into the fiery water below, telling Rogo to lead the others through. Convinced by Martin to go on, Rogo took control of the group from Scott and led them into the propeller shaft, then creating a lot of noise on the hull as to attract attention from a rescue party above. A short time later, Rogo, Rosen, Martin, Nonnie, Susan, and Robin were rescued after the hull had been cut open, remembering all of the people who had been lost along the way, Rogo (not directly, though) thanking Scott.

Of all of the ten survivors, Scott seemed to be the most determined and willing, always trying to get the others to look at the bright side of things and convincing them to go on. In the book, it is stated that Scott was a former all-star Princeton athlete turned minister, most likely for growing wiser and believing more and more in the power of God.


Acres, played by Roddy McDowall
Roddy McDowall
Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude "Roddy" McDowall was an English actor and photographer. His film roles included Cornelius and Caesar in the Planet of the Apes film series...

, was a steward aboard the Poseidon who spoke with a Scottish accent. When the ship had capsized, Acres' leg was injured and he was trapped above the others at the entrance to the Kitchen, and anchored the Christmas tree that Scott planned to use to climb up, then helping everyone up and following Scott's orders, Scott apparently using him as their map. Acres suffered from his leg injury throughout, but insisted he was able to go on, helping Scott find the only exit to Broadway, followed by them climbing an air shaft, and Rogo helping everyone up. When it was Acres' turn, a series of explosions caused the ship to rock, and Acres to fall from the ladder into the rushing water below, as more explosions occurred from the bottom beneath the water. Still, despite Rogo's attempts to save him, Acres was never rescued and died.

Of the ten survivors, Acres is probably the most shy and along with Scott has the greatest knowledge of the ship, acting as Scott's map. Scott was angered at the death of Acres, and argued with Rogo about it, Rogo replying with, "The boat tipped and he fell, the shaft blew up, and he's dead, and that's it!" probably meaning that Acres was killed in the explosions, according to Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure is a 1979 American disaster film, a sequel to the 1972 film The Poseidon Adventure. It was directed by Irwin Allen and starred Michael Caine and Sally Field...

, as he was never seen. Acres is a mix of the two stewards from the book, Peters and Acre, but mostly Acre, as Acre injured his leg as he did.
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