List of Greek characters

Main characters

Casey Cartwright Spencer Grammer
Spencer Grammer
Spencer Grammer is an American actress.-Early life:Grammer is the child of comedian and actor Kelsey Grammer and dance instructor Doreen Alderman, she was named after her paternal aunt, who died eight years before she was born...

Year: Alumna Major: English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

Position(s) Held: Pledge Educator (former), Rush Chair (former), Delegate to Pan-Hellenic (retired), Interim President (former), House mother (former)
Casey is the female protagonist
A protagonist is the main character of a literary, theatrical, cinematic, or musical narrative, around whom the events of the narrative's plot revolve and with whom the audience is intended to most identify...

 and Rusty’s popular and enterprising older sister. Introduced as a big time power player at ZBZ with presidential aspirations, Casey was troubled at the presence of her nerdy brother Rusty. Over time, the siblings become closer with Casey guiding Rusty through the inner workings of the Greek world. Casey grows more selfless and courageous oftentimes sticking her neck out for the sorority or for one of her sisters in need. Her tenure as president motivates her to focus more on her future. She decides to enter the world of politics and upon graduation; Casey is set to start law school. However, she was ready to put off her goals for Cappie, her first love and the focus of many love triangles throughout the series. Though she desires to be with Cappie, Casey chooses her future and loses Cappie in the process. At the end of the series, she reunites with Cappie with whom she leaves law school and moves to Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the United States Congress approved the creation of a permanent national capital as permitted by the U.S. Constitution....

Russell "Rusty" Cartwright Jacob Zachar
Jacob Zachar
Jacob Zachar is an American actor whose roles include Russell "Rusty" Cartwright on the ABC Family TV Series Greek.-Early years and education:...

Year: Junior Major: Polymer Science
Polymer science
Polymer science or macromolecular science is the subfield of materials science concerned with polymers, primarily synthetic polymers such as plastics...

Position(s) Held: President, Pledge Educator (former), Rush Chair (former)
Rusty is the male protagonist and Casey’s socially awkward younger brother. A stereotypical geek, Rusty began his freshman year looking to shed his image and have fun. He finds himself among the rowdy brothers of the Kappa Tau fraternity with the nickname of “Spitter”. Rusty is given a crash course on partying by big brother Cappie and over time he loses some of his naiveté. However, he still retains his optimistic and honest personality which is refreshing to his friends and to Casey who begins to see Rusty in a different light. When he becomes an active, Rusty is quick to earn Cappie’s trust and take on some responsibility. He assumes the position of pledge educator and was the mastermind behind Kappa Tau’s revenge plot against Omega Chi. Though he started off as a dateless virgin, Rusty like Casey has been a part of a few love triangles. His duties at Kappa Tau and active social life have caused problems for Rusty academically but he manages to balance the two together even winning a lucrative grant. He begins a new relationship with Ashleigh and takes Cappie's place as KT President in the series finale.
Evan Chambers Jake McDorman
Jake McDorman
Jake McDorman is an American film and television actor who is best known for playing Evan Chambers on the ABC Family TV Series Greek.-Early life:...

Year: 1st Year Law School Major: Pre-Law
In the United States, pre-law refers to any course of study taken by an undergraduate in preparation for study at a law school.The American Bar Association requires law schools that it approves to require at least a bachelor's degree for North American students for admission...

Position(s) Held: President (former), Pledge Educator (former), Delegate to IFC (former)
A charismatic overachiever, Evan was often the center of attention as he was born into a wealthy and prominent family. He strives to please those around him but feels manipulated because of his affluence. Evan declares his independence and relinquishes his trust fund leaving him struggling to make ends meet. Though Evan can be benevolent and noble at times, he has shown a much darker side. This is often towards his old childhood friend Cappie and his brothers at Kappa Tau, who call him "Bing" since freshmen year. A love triangle between Cappie, Evan and Casey was the catalyst for the rivalry between their respective houses. Though Evan and Cappie attempted an alliance, house loyalties proved too much for Evan to overcome. He however maintains a tentative friendship with his ex-girlfriend Casey and has a strong advocate in Calvin. He also finds a kindred spirit in Rebecca. However, during the 4th season Rebecca and him break up when she feels he is pulling away from her. With some help from Rusty, he begins to reconcile with his parents.
Scott Michael Foster
Scott Michael Foster
Scott Michael Foster is an American actor. He is best known for his role of "Cappie" on the ABC Family series Greek.-Biography:...

Year: Alumnus Major: Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...

Position(s) Held: President (former)
Originally uninterested in Greek life, Cappie rises to become the president of the unruly Kappa Tau. “Cappie” is actually a nickname and his real name is "Captain John Paul Jones" which was finally revealed during the last five minutes of the series finale. His carefree and fun loving personality hides a very sharp mind. Despite that, Cappie has no actual goals and no intentions of leaving Kappa Tau which he considers his home. The only time Cappie considered moving on is for his first love Casey. Casey and Cappie dated in their freshman year but Cappie’s partying ways conflicted with the more ambitious Casey. Ultimately, Casey left him. Cappie never recovered from losing Casey and as a result he was unable to maintain any serious relationship afterwards. The two start to reconnect when Cappie takes Rusty on as his little brother. Along the way, Casey and Cappie reconcile but history repeats itself and they split up once again. Cappie and Casey later decide to give their relationship another try. Following Cappie's "accidental" graduation, he and Casey relocate to Washington, D. C..
Rebecca Logan Dilshad Vadsaria
Dilshad Vadsaria
Dilshad Vadsaria is an American television actress. She plays the role of Rebecca Logan on the ABC television program Greek.-Life and career:...

Year: Junior Major: Psychology
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Its immediate goal is to understand individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases. For many, the ultimate goal of psychology is to benefit society...

Position(s) Held: President
A sophisticated but rebellious sister, Rebecca was distinguished among her rush class as her father was a prominent senator. Rebecca’s aloof and cynical attitude did not endear her to big sister Casey as they quickly become rivals. When her father is publicly disgraced, Rebecca begins an out of control downward spiral and reveals a much hidden vulnerable and lonely personality. When she was on the brink of expulsion due to her wild antics, it was Casey who came to her aid which instills a new found respect between the two. Rebecca begins to actively contribute to the sorority in an attempt to prove herself and find her own identity. She uses her political savvy to have Ashleigh elected president and was a mole for ZBZ. She becomes more compassionate though still can be brash at times. Her actions convince Casey to leave the sorority in her hands. Rebecca and Evan develop a relationship due their similar privileged yet dysfunctional backgrounds. However, Rebecca’s self destructive tendencies threatened to ruin their newfound romance. She breaks up with Evan during season 4. In the episode Legacy, her potential reconciliation with Evan is hinted.
Ashleigh Howard Amber Stevens
Amber Stevens
Amber Dawn Stevens is an American actress and model.-Personal life:Stevens was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of American actor and radio announcer Shadoe Stevens and former model Beverly Cunningham. She has a younger sister named Chyna Rose Stevens...

Year: Alumna Major: Marketing
Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments...

Position(s) Held: President (former), Social Chair (former)
Known for her outrageous fashion sense and ditzy personality, Ashleigh is Casey’s best friend since their freshman year. She often played a supporting role in Casey’s endeavors. Her kind nature endeared her to most but also made her a pushover. Ashleigh is thrust into the spotlight when she is unexpectedly elected president. Though she lack Frannie’s drive or Casey’s wit, Ashleigh strives to break away from the old traditions of ZBZ. In the process, she becomes more assertive to the surprise of many. With Casey’s encouragement, Ashleigh leads ZBZ to reclaim their position as the top sorority on campus. Even though Ashleigh has been successful with the presidential seat, she has had difficulty in the dating world. A recurring theme for Ashleigh is her poor choices in men. Though she tried to keep positive, her last relationship has made her more doubtful. Despite that, Ashleigh is looking forward to graduation as she accepted an internship as a trend forecaster in New York. In the second episode of season 4, Ashleigh returns to CRU, due to her not being able to cope with her internship and quiting, and moves back into the ZBZ house with Casey. She develops feeling for Rusty. She and Rusty begin a relationship in the episode Legacy.
Calvin Owens Paul James
Paul James (actor)
Paul James is an American actor. He may be best known for his role on the ABC Family television show Greek as Calvin. He also starred in the movie The Architect. James attended the theater program at Montgomery College in Rockville, Maryland where he participated in a variety of musical theater...

Year: Junior Major: Accounting  Position(s) Held: President (former)
Calvin is an athletic legacy who is also one of Rusty’s closest friends. Calvin’s ability to adapt to most situations led Rusty to shadow him during rush. However, this was a defense mechanism to hide the fact that Calvin is gay but desires to be accepted by those around him. Through his relationships, Calvin begins to feel more comfortable with his sexuality especially after it becomes public knowledge. He identifies with Rusty as they both feel like outsiders. Though it has been difficult at times, Calvin and Rusty maintain their friendship even when their respective houses are at war. This often causes conflict with his big brother Evan with whom Calvin shares a mutual respect as it was Evan who defended Calvin’s sexuality to Omega Chi. He in turn keeps Evan’s ego in check especially when it comes to Rusty. Calvin becomes the key in Rusty’s revenge plan -- namely, to make Calvin the president of Omega Chi. His term as president is short-lived, as when the Omega Chis learn about his involvement in Kappa Tau's beach week prank, they lose their trust in him. He resigns and is replaced by Trip as interim president. In the series finale he declares a major as well decides to go to India for a semester abroad.
Dale Kettlewell Clark Duke
Clark Duke
Clark Duke is an American actor known for his roles in the films Kick-Ass, Sex Drive and Hot Tub Time Machine, as well as playing Dale Kettlewell in the TV series Greek.-Life and career:...

Year: Junior Major: Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering
Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical...

Position(s) Held: ZBZ Hasher, Omega Chi Pledge
Dale is Rusty’s neurotic, religious zealot roommate and he is also in the same Honors Engineering program. Initially, Dale despised the Greek system even forming an organization to protest their very existence at Cyprus-Rhodes. He tried to self-righteously steer Rusty away from Kappa Tau but usually found himself mixed up in Rusty’s predicaments. Through Rusty, Dale begins to interact with different Greeks. He quickly befriends Calvin despite his borderline homophobic beliefs. He forms a close bond to the rowdy Cappie based somewhat in their mutual feelings for Casey. Dale even takes a job as Zeta Beta’s hasher, in the process becoming a den mother of sorts to the sisters. His conservative views begin to change and Dale starts to come out of his shell even losing his virginity. Though he is true to his faith, Dale becomes inspired by Rusty that there is more to college than just studies. In the 4th season, he becomes an Omega Chi pledge.
Frannie Morgan Tiffany Dupont
Tiffany Dupont
Tiffany Dupont is an American actress, known for playing the lead character, Hadassah, a Jewish girl, who will become the Biblical Esther, Queen of Persia, in the Hollywood film One Night with the King...

Year: Alumna Major: Pre-Med
Pre-medical is a term used to describe a track an undergraduate student in the United States pursues prior to becoming a medical student...

Position(s) Held: ZBZ & IKI President (former), Pledge Educator (former)
A driven former sister, Frannie strives to be the best in everything and rose to become the president of the most popular house on campus. Her biggest admirer was her little sister Casey even though Frannie put her goals ahead of their friendship. Her obsession of keeping ZBZ’s # 1 spot led to her eventual downfall as Frannie was stripped of her title due to deceit surrounding Jen‘s article. Though she was resentful at first, she supported Casey as the new president. However, it did not stop her from trying to regain power. Her many machinations involving Casey, Ashleigh and Rebecca proved unsuccessful, so Frannie conspires with Evan to start a new sorority Iota Kappa Iota. Though IKI proved to be a formidable threat; the sorority was bust. Frannie disbands IKI and leaves the Greek system for good. She returns in the penultimate episode of season 4 to assist Rebecca.

Supporting characters

These characters have been featured in more than 20 episodes of "Greek".
Wade Matthews Derek Mio
Derek Mio
Derek Mio is an American film and TV actor. He attended USC School of Cinematic Arts. He is a fourth-generation Japanese American.-Acting career:...

Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
Kappa Tau’s former pledge educator and rush chair who was expelled because of an Omega Chi prank. He was also known for his scare tactics during Rush. His nickname “Wade” is because he is not able to swim. His real name is revealed to be Wade.
Walter "Beaver" Boudreaux Aaron Hill
Aaron Hill (actor)
Aaron J. Hill is an American actor most famous for his portrayal of "Beaver" on the television show GRΣΣK.Born in Santa Clara, California, he began his acting career in 2001 with a single episode role on The Brothers Garcia...

Chapter 1 -
An unintelligent jock whose nickname came from him chewing on a wooden chair during a drunken stupor. He was the top football recruit in his freshman year. He had a crush on Rebecca whom he later had a one night stand with. He eventually enters a relationship with Katherine. His real name is Walter Boudreaux. Through the fourth season it is revealed that he's more intelligent than what it looks like at first and is studying to be a kindergarten teacher.
Heath Anderson Zack Lively
Zack Lively
Zack Lively is an American actor best known for his role as Heath on ABC Family's GRΣΣK. Zack was born in Nampa, Idaho.- Television :* NCIS as Conrad Zuse* Cold Case as Kevin Harkin* Three Rivers as Chad...

Chapter 1 -
A pre-med student who had a short-lived relationship with Calvin, later rekindled after Calvin and Grant split. He planned on graduating early but failed his final exams due to depression over the expulsion of his brothers. He gets back together with Calvin in the fourth season.
Ben Bennett Daniel Weaver  Chapter 1 - Chapter 4
Rusty's pledge class president. His nickname is his name. He was initially jealous of Rusty’s accomplishments. It was noted that he has not been seen by any of his brothers since homecoming of sophomore year.
Jeremy Kristopher Hatfield  Chapter 2 - Chapter 5
A brother who had many peculiar habits, including watching people sleep and living in the dumpster of the Kappa Tau house. He was expelled as the result of an Omega Chi prank. He rarely spoke but was revealed to have a British accent.
Pickle Adam Crosby  Chapter 2 -
A brother who was in Rusty’s pledge class. He has an obsession with volcanoes and was inconsolable after the loss of Vesuvius.

Grant Gregory Michael
Gregory Michael
Gregory Michael is an American actor who most recently starred as "Grant," a fraternity brother, on the ABC Family television series Greek.-Biography:...

Chapter 4 -
A closeted gay brother who becomes Calvin’s roommate and later boyfriend. When he comes out, he becomes overly sensitive to what others say. Grant becomes more flamboyant which bothered Calvin. They break up when Grant prefers to explore his sexuality rather than spend time with Calvin.

Laura Aynsley Bubbico  Chapter 2 -
A stuffy sister with a short temper. She was formally ZBZ's liaison to Pan-Hellenic and scholarship chair. She and Ashleigh do not get along for unknown reasons. She had a secret relationship with Dale.
Betsy Eileen Boylan  Chapter 2 -
ZBZ's social chair and a recovering alcoholic. Her boyfriend is also in recovery.

Recurring characters

These characters have appeared in less than 20 episodes of “Greek”. Some of the characters had prominent roles during certain chapters.
Jordan Reed Johanna Braddy
Johanna Braddy
Johanna Elizabeth Braddy is an American film and television actress, best known for being the voice-actor of character Princess Yue in Avatar: The Last Airbender and Jordan in the ABC Family television series Greek.-Early life:...

Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
A tomboyish transfer student whom Rusty dated. She was Casey’s little sister as a pledge at ZBZ. She left Cyprus-Rhodes to pursue a career in photography.
Beth Steffany Huckaby
Steffany Huckaby
Steffany Huckaby is an American actress.She is best known for her role as Beth in the television series, Greek. She starred in the horror film, Death Tunnel and The Pleasure Drivers as Casey Ethot...

Chapter 3 - 6
A sweet but air headed Dance major who still hangs around the ZBZ house despite no longer being a part of the sorority. She defected ZBZ to join Frannie’s IKI.
Jennifer Kenney Jessica Rose  Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 & 7
A clumsy undercover reporter who infiltrated ZBZ as a legacy pledge to write an article about the Greek system. She was Rusty’s first girlfriend and became close to Casey during her time at ZBZ. Her article causes massive changes in the Greek system and her relationship with Rusty ended as a result. In the series finale she announces that she has come to regret the article.
Brenda Marisa Lauren  Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
A sister in Rebecca’s pledge class who was a part of clique led by Rebecca to make Casey miserable. She defects to Frannie’s IKI but later pleads with Casey to take her back. Casey declines.
Abby Olesya Rulin
Olesya Rulin
Olesya Rulin is a Russian-American actress and singer who is perhaps best known for co-starring in the first three films of the High School Musical franchise as Kelsi Nielsen. She also starred in the films Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous and Flying By .-Early life:Rulin was born Olesya...

Chapter 5 -
She is the current pledge class president who has an annoying habit of raising her hand whenever she wants to speak.
Mandi Jessica Lowndes
Jessica Lowndes
Jessica Lowndes is a Canadian actress and singer. She is best known for her role as Adrianna Tate-Duncan on TV series 90210.-Personal life:Jessica Suzanne Lowndes was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada...

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
A sister in Rebecca’s pledge class who was a part of clique led by Rebecca to make Casey miserable.
Lizzi Senta Moses
Senta Moses
Senta Moses is an American actress. She is perhaps best known for her recurring role as Delia Fisher in the television series My So-Called Life and for her co-starring role as lab assistant Phoebe in Beakman's World....

Chapter 2 & Chapter 3
A perky Nationals consultant who was sent by Tegan to straighten up ZBZ after the article. Her strict rules caused a few of the sisters to deactivate and the rest were miserable. She worships her boss Tegan but the feeling is not mutual.
Robin Wylie Anna Osceola  Chapter 2 & Chapter 4
A lesbian ZBZ alumni and Ashleigh’s big sister. Rebecca develops a crush on her leading Rebecca to believe that she was a lesbian.
Tegan Walker Charisma Carpenter
Charisma Carpenter
Charisma Lee Carpenter is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Cordelia Chase in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off Angel, for which she was nominated for four Saturn Awards. In her most recent film she starred opposite Sylvester Stallone and Jason...

Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 & Chapter 7
A demanding ZBZ Nationals representative and member of the Grand Council. She took a liking to Casey and appointed her to replace Frannie as president after the scandal. Her opinion of Casey sours when Casey defies her position of having Rebecca expelled from ZBZ. She is demeaning to Lizzi until she stands up to her.
Libby Jhoanna Flores  Chapter 1 & Chapter 2
Former ZBZ Philanthropy chair. She left the sorority under disgraceful circumstances.
Suzanne Maggie Contreras Chapter 3
She was the former ZBZ Standards Chair who handled any disciplinary problems in the sorority. She defects to Frannie's IKI.

Peter Parkes Devon Werkheiser
Devon Werkheiser
Devon Joseph Werkheiser is an American actor and musician, best known for his starring role as Ned Bigby on the Nickelodeon sitcom Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide and for his role in the 2007 TV Movie Shredderman Rules, as the lead character Nolan Byrd.-Personal life:Werkheiser was born...

Chapter 7
A KT legacy whose father is Lasker Parkes, creator of the 'Joshua Whopper' software. He becomes KT's sole pledge after they lose all of their pledges for violating the "dry rush" policy. The brothers nickname him Spider-Man.
Andy Jesse McCartney
Jesse McCartney
Jesse McCartney is an American singer-songwriter, actor and voice actor. McCartney achieved fame in the late 1990s on the daytime drama All My Children as JR Chandler. He later joined boy band Dream Street, and eventually branched out into a solo musical career...

Chapter 4
Rusty’s former little brother and star football player. He was also a high school friend of Calvin’s. Rusty proposes to give him the nickname "Andylicious," but agrees to consider "something cooler." However, the nickname sticks and he is often referred to as Andylicious by the Kappa Tau brothers. Andy and Rusty’s friendship falls apart when Rusty kisses Andy’s girlfriend Jordan. Andy depledges Kappa Tau to focus on football.
Gonzo Dave Franco
Dave Franco
David John "Dave" Franco is an American television and film actor who played the role of Cole Aaronson for season nine of Scrubs.-Personal life:...

Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
A brother in Rusty’s pledge class who got his nickname after watching “The Muppets Take Manhattan
The Muppets Take Manhattan
The Muppets Take Manhattan is the third of a series of live-action musical feature films starring Jim Henson's Muppets, and also the final film before Henson's death. This film was produced by Henson Associates and TriStar Pictures, and was filmed on location in New York City during the summer of...

”. His real name is Brad. After he had not been seen in a while, Cappie remarked that he thought he saw Gonzo on Scrubs, referring to actor Dave Franco taking a starring role in the final season of Scrubs.
Anthony Hopkins Devin Crittenden  Chapter 4 -
A pledge who got his nickname because his name is the same as actor Anthony Hopkins
Anthony Hopkins
Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, KBE , best known as Anthony Hopkins, is a Welsh actor of film, stage and television...

Egyptian Joe Geoffrey Arend
Geoffrey Arend
-Life and career:Arend was born in the Manhattan borough of New York City, to a Caucasian father and a Pakistani mother. He graduated from New York City's Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts in 1996. In 2000, he began providing voices for video games such as Daria's...

Chapter 2
Joe was Cappie's slacker big brother and the former Kappa Tau president. He created the infamous Vesuvius volcano which made him legendary.
Arrowhead Paul T. Moore  Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
A brother in Rusty’s pledge class. He is very paranoid and skilled in martial arts.
Woodchuck Kendrick Sampson Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
A brother in Rusty’s pledge class. His real name is Jake and he got his nickname from making coasters.

Trip Kinsey McLean  Chapter 2 -
A brother who was in Calvin’s pledge class. He resents Evan for his poor treatment of him during Hell Week. He was a nominee for president along with Calvin and was briefly president after the Omega Chi brothers forced Calvin to resign.
JP Marshall Porter  Chapter 5 -
A brother at Omega Chi who are among those who are beginning to question Evan’s authority.
Dino Krishna Cole  Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
The former president of Omega Chi but most of his responsibilities are handled by Evan.
O’Toole Joe Capece  Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 & 4
A brother who is mentioned more in name than in person.
Pete Yani Gellman
Yani Gellman
Yani Gellman is an American film and television actor.Gellman was born in Miami, Florida to a Canadian father and an Australian mother; he was named after a family friend, writer Jan Joors...

Chapter 6
A baseball player whom Ashleigh briefly dated. His ex-girlfriend Natalie used him to annoy Ashleigh.
Trent Bobby Campo
Bobby Campo
Robert Joseph "Bobby" Camposecco is an American actor. Known for his appearances in CSI: Miami, Mental, Legally Blondes and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, he is also known for his most successful main role in the 2009 horror film The Final Destination.-Biography:Campo was born in Wheeling,...

Chapter 2
A homophobic brother whose beliefs led him to deactivate.

Katherine Parker Nora Kirkpatrick
Nora Kirkpatrick
Nora Kirkpatrick is an American actress and musician.-Career:Kirkpatrick graduated from UCLA in 2007 with a degree in Theatre Film and Television. She is probably best known for her role as Katherine, the stern president of Panhellenic, on the ABC Family TV series Greek...

Chapter 5 -
The stern president of Pan-Hellenic and a sister at Gamma Psi. Despite the rivalry between ZBZ and Gamma Psi, Katherine remains impartial in her duties. She initially clashes with Casey but she sees a lot of potential in her. Katherine and Rusty hit it off so well that Katherine wanted Rusty to take her virginity. Ultimately, Rusty declines her offer. Later she joins Casey and Evan at CRU Law, and hooks up with Beaver.
Natalie Kristy Vaughan  Chapter 4 -
President of Gamma Psi Alpha. Though she appears to be a shy and soft-spoken sister, Natalie is actually very manipulative and deceitful. She resorted to underhanded tricks to ensure that Gamma Psi would remain the #1 sorority on campus.
Janette Kelly Stables
Kelly Stables
Kelly Michelle Stables is an American actress known for both stage and film acting.-Personal life:Stables was born in metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri. She was a well-known cheerleader in her high school years, a fact which would be commemorated in an article in the magazine American Cheerleader...

Chapter 2 - Chapter 5
The former Vice-President of Judicial for Pan-Hellenic and a sister at Gamma Psi. She left to focus on her studies. Janette led the pack of Gamma Psis in taunting Rebecca during Greek week which result in Rebecca assaulting her.
Jason Brian Maillard  Chapter 2, 3 & 5
The arrogant social chair of the Psi Phi Pi whom Ashleigh dated only because he reminded her of her ex-boyfriend Travis.
Steve Justin Grant Wade  Chapter 2 & 4
The Vice-President of Judicial for the IFC and a brother at Lambda Sig. He often wears a red baseball cap.
Shane Michael Copon
Michael Copon
Michael Sowell Copon is an American actor, model, producer, and singer. He is known for his role of Felix Taggaro in the television series One Tree Hill, playing Vin Keahi in the television series Beyond the Break, and starring in Power Rangers: Time Force.-Early life:Copon was born in Chesapeake,...

Chapter 2
A Lambda Sig brother whom Evan bribed not to date Casey.

Max Tyler Michael Rady
Michael Rady
Michael Rady is an American actor. He was born in Philadelphia and went to the St. Joseph's Prep, a Jesuit prep school in Philadelphia, well known for its excellent theatre program....

Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
The former RA of Rusty and Dale’s dorm. He was an older version of Rusty in terms of personality. He dated Casey which earned him the disdain of Cappie and Dale. Max was a mentor to Rusty as they shared the same major. He continued his education in Cyprus to stay closer to Casey. After they break up, a heartbroken Max moves to Europe.
Fisher Andrew J. West  Chapter 4 - Chapter 6
A former ZBZ hasher who dated Ashleigh. He was a member of the school’s pep squad. He shares a kiss with Rebecca but Ashleigh forgave him. However, Fisher cheats on her again and Ashleigh dumps him.
Officer Huck Kevin Kirkpatrick  Chapter 1 -
A campus security guard who is despised by both Kappa Tau and Omega Chi.
Dr. Milton Hastings Dan Castellaneta
Dan Castellaneta
Daniel Louis "Dan" Castellaneta is an American actor, voice actor, comedian, singer and screenwriter. Noted for his long-running role as Homer Simpson on the animated television series The Simpsons, he voices many other characters on The Simpsons, including Abraham "Grampa" Simpson, Barney Gumble,...

Chapter 1 & Chapter 4 - Chapter 7
Rusty’s grouchy adviser. He was also Rusty and Dale’s physics professor in their freshman year. He reluctantly becomes Rusty’s sponsor for the Wyatt Grant.
Dana Stockwell Martha MacIsaac
Martha MacIsaac
Martha MacIsaac is a Canadian television and film actress and former child actress....

Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
An engineering student whom Dr. Hastings appointed to be Rusty’s assistant. She has had a crush on Rusty since freshman year. Though they were antagonistic at first, they start dating. In Season 4 Rusty and Dana break-up due to fighting over the grant project.
Michael Max Greenfield
Max Greenfield
Max Greenfield is an American actor best known for his recurring roles on Veronica Mars as Leo D'Amato, Ugly Betty as Nick Pepper, and for co-starring in the short-lived WB series Modern Men...

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Ashleigh’s French TA and Calvin’s ex-boyfriend. He exposes Calvin to a gay lifestyle but his flamboyant ways cause Calvin to cheat.
Sheila Kristen O'Meara  Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Rusty’s and Dale’s cougar landlady. She seduces Dale and he loses his virginity to her. Dale proposes to her but Shelia turns him down.
Dean Bowman Alan Ruck
Alan Ruck
Alan Ruck is an American film, stage and television actor, perhaps best known for his roles as Cameron Frye in Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Stuart Bondek on Spin City.-Early life:...

Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
Dean of Student Affairs of Cyprus-Rhodes University. He enforces strict rules on the Greek system after the article. It is revealed that Bowman was a troublemaker during his time as a student. He is also a member of the secret Amphora Society. He sees a lot of himself in Cappie.
Lana Olivia Munn
Olivia Munn
Lisa Olivia Munn is an American comedic actress, model, television personality and author. She began her career being credited as Lisa Munn. Since 2006, she has been using the name Olivia Munn personally and professionally....

Chapter 5
An attractive waitress at a catering company that Evan and Cappie worked for. She is the female counterpart to Cappie in personality. Cappie and Lana briefly dated.
Joel Samuel Page
Samuel Page
Samuel Page is an American actor. He is credited under the name Sam Page.-Early life:...

Chapter 6
A legislative aide who worked for Rebecca’s father. Rebecca introduces him to Casey to help her get into politics. He helps Casey prepare for the LSAT. In the process, he develops feelings for Casey.
Tina Lisa Wilhoit
Lisa Wilhoit
Lisa Marie Wilhoit is an American actress. She is perhaps best known for playing Danielle Chase on the television show My So-Called Life and for being the voice of Connie D'Amico on the television series Family Guy.-Biography:...

Chapter 2
An overbearing student who joins and takes charge of Dale’s USAG (University Students Against Greeks) group. She also had a fling with Rusty.
Professor Sommerfield Damien Leake Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
An art history professor who takes a lot of pleasure in his work.
Lisa Lawson Arielle Vandenberg  Chapter 1 & 3
A promiscuous girl whose nickname is the “Virgin Whisper”. Rusty got his nickname "Spitter" by spitting tequila in her face during rush.
Drew Collins Jesse Williams
Jesse Williams
Jesse or Jessie Williams may refer to:*Jesse Williams , American television actor*Jesse Williams , American high jumper*Jesse Williams , Welsh international footballer*Jesse Lynch Williams, author and dramatist...

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Ashleigh’s “hotness monster” during spring break. Ashleigh and Casey both compete for his affections however he only had feelings for Casey.
Dr. Larson John Rubinstein
John Rubinstein
John Arthur Rubinstein is an American film, Broadway, and television actor, a composer of film and theatre music, and a director in theatre and television.-Early life:...

Chapter 5
Dale’s sponsor for the Wyatt Grant. He is very proud of his accomplishments.
Russell Cartwright Jerry Lambert
Jerry Lambert (actor)
Jerry Lambert is an American stage, film, and television actor and voiceover artist, best known for his work on the ABC sitcom, Sons and Daughters, as well as commercials for companies including GEICO, Holiday Inn, and playing a fictional Sony executive named Kevin Butler.-Education:Lambert...

Chapter 2 & Chapter 5
Casey and Rusty’s father. He is a professor and shares Rusty’s nerdy personality. He has a better relationship with Rusty than Casey.
Jonathan Chambers Kevin Kilner
Kevin Kilner
Kevin Kilner is an American television and film actor.Kilner was born in Baltimore, Maryland, the son of Dorothea, a kindergarten teacher, and Edward Kilner, who worked in advertising sales and insurance. He made his first television appearance on an episode of The Cosby Show in 1989...

Chapter 1,4,7
The head of the Chambers family conglomerate and Evan’s father. He is an alumnus of Cyprus-Rhodes and Omega Chi.
Ken Logan Thomas Calabro
Thomas Calabro
Thomas F. Calabro is an American actor and director.-Biography:Calabro graduated from Fordham University in New York City.Calabro began his acting career in theatre with various roles in New York...

Chapter 2 & Chapter 5
The former Ohio senator and Rebecca’s father. His corrupt and philandering activities led to his divorce and subsequent resignation. He appears to have turned a new leaf and hopes to repair his relationship with his family.
Mim Chambers Kathryn Harrold
Kathryn Harrold
-Background:Harrold was born in Tazewell, Virginia. She attended Mills College in Oakland, California, majoring in Drama.-Television:She has appeared in a number of TV series, including The Rockford Files, MacGruder and Loud, The Bronx Zoo, I'll Fly Away, The Larry Sanders Show, and Mister...

Chapter 1, 3 & 4
Evan’s elitist mother who is on the alumni board at Princeton University. She took a liking to Frannie and dislike to Casey when each was dating Evan.
Sanjay, Sumir and Ted Danny Pudi
Danny Pudi
Danny Pudi is an American actor, best known for his role as Abed Nadir on the NBC comedy series Community.-Early years:Pudi, who is of Indian and Polish descent, was born and raised in Chicago and grew up speaking Polish...

, Arshad Aslam & K.T. Tatara 
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Members of the Purity Pledge group led by Dale that promoted abstinence. Their meetings took place in Rusty and Dale’s dorm room. They also were a part of Dale’s USAG group and Dale's band, Darwin Lied.
Patty/"Destiny" AnnaLynne McCord
AnnaLynne McCord
AnnaLynne McCord is an American actress. Known for playing a range of vixen-type roles, McCord first gained prominence in 2007 as the scheming Eden Lord on the FX television series Nip/Tuck, and as the pampered Loren Wakefield on the MyNetworkTV telenovela American Heiress...

Chapter 1, Episode "Friday Night Frights"
Dressed in motorcycle leather, she comes to the KT's door during a storm asking if she could come in because her Harley "popped a flat". Cappie lets "Destiny" in based only on the reason that she is hot. Rusty, however, thinks otherwise based on (1) him finding the KT house address on a slip of paper in her purse and (2) the radio announcing that someone from an insane asylum has gone missing. Rusty eventually finds out that "Destiny"s real name is Patty. He relays this to Cappie, who is enthralled with this new hottie who showed up at their door, and Cappie realizes it is "Patty the Fattie" from his childhood summer camp. Cappie is honored that she would lose weight for him, but when the two kiss, Patty realizes that Cappie was not all she thought he was.

External links

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