List of Exosquad episodes
The following is an episode list for the animated television series Exosquad
Exosquad is an American animated television series created by Universal Cartoon Studios as a response to Japanese anime. The show is set in the beginning of the 22nd century and covers the interplanetary war between humanity and Neosapiens, a fictional race artificially created as workers/slaves...

 produced by Universal Cartoon Studios and Will Meugniot
Will Meugniot
Will Meugniot is an American writer, storyboard and comics artist, film producer and director.- List of works :* The DNAgents * Exosquad * G.I. Joe: Valor vs...

. The series first aired in 1993 and ended in 1994. Only the first season (out of two) has been released by Universal on VHS
The Video Home System is a consumer-level analog recording videocassette standard developed by Victor Company of Japan ....

 in 1993 and on DVD in 2009.


# Title Airdate # Season
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