Letter to my brother
Letter to my brother is the seventh and fourth single of his career and album Independent of Faze
Faze (musician)
Faze is a Nigerian musician and is a member of Nigerian hip hop group Plantashun Boiz...

 in Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

released in 2006. The song is the fifth track on the CD and was performed and written by Faze. It reached top ten of most charts but its greatest history was the fact that it did not only end the Plantashun Boiz beef but has also become of the best diss replies in Nigeria of all times.

Reception and Acclaim

The single was well received by critics who would tip letter to my brother over 2Face's See me so diss song. Letter to my brother has also proved to be a beef hit by breaking into charts and remaining a moderately played song in radio station in the year 2008, two years after the release of the album.

Music video

The video shot took place in a house where Faze is seen writing a letter as well cry and worry over the problems between both parties beef at the time.

Song with reference to this track

  • Carnival- Freestyle ft.Sound Sultan

  • 4 Years- Styl Plus
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