Lagos Bus Rapid Transit System
The Lagos Bus Rapid Transit System, also known as Lagos BRT, is a bus rapid transit
Bus rapid transit
Bus rapid transit is a term applied to a variety of public transportation systems using buses to provide faster, more efficient service than an ordinary bus line. Often this is achieved by making improvements to existing infrastructure, vehicles and scheduling...

 system in Lagos State
Lagos State
Lagos State is an administrative division of Nigeria, located in the southwestern part of the country. The smallest in area of Nigeria's states, Lagos State is the most populous state in Nigeria and arguably the most economically important state of the country and west Africa, containing Lagos, the...

, Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

. It is owned by LAMATA
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority, or LAMATA, is the state transit system of Lagos State. The current Managing Director is Dr. Dayo Mobereola....


First phase

The first phase of the Lagos BRT was opened on March 24, 2008, although it was initially slated for opening in November 2007 (the initiative to build the system was initiated by the government of the previous governor, Bola Tinubu
Bola Tinubu
Bola Ahmed Tinubu was elected Senator for the Lagos West constituency in Lagos State, Nigeria in 1993, just before a military take-over in December 1993. After the return to democracy, he was elected governor of Lagos State, holding office from 29 May 1999 to 29 May 2007...

. It goes from Mile 12 through Ikorodu Road and Funsho Williams Avenue up to CMS. At current, the Lagos BRT Corridor is 22 km in length.

Two operators are offering their services to the Lagos BRT: NURTW Cooperative and LAGBUS. LAGBUS is an Asset Management Company owned by the Lagos State government.

26 bus shelters are offered along the Mile 12-CMS road; three bus terminals are also placed along the corridor (at Mile 12, Moshalashi and CMS), with the bus terminal at CMS designed to integrate with transport modes of rail and ferry that are planned for future construction by LAMATA.
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