Kim Walker
Kimberly Anne "Kim" Walker (June 19, 1968 – March 6, 2001) was an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 actress, perhaps best-known for playing the role of Heather Chandler in the film Heathers
Heathers is a 1989 black comedy film starring Winona Ryder, Christian Slater and Shannen Doherty. The film portrays four girls in a trend-setting clique at a fictional Ohio high school...


Walker developed a brain tumor and died in 2001 at the age of 32. She is interred in Pinelawn Memorial Park in Farmingdale, New York
Farmingdale, New York
The Village of Farmingdale is an incorporated village on Long Island within the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, New York in the United States...



Year Title Role Notes
1986 Crime Story
Crime Story (TV series)
Crime Story is an NBC TV drama created by Gustave Reininger and Chuck Adamson. The executive producer was Michael Mann, who had left Miami Vice to oversee Crime Story and direct the film Manhunter. The show premiered with a two hour pilot — a movie which had been exhibited theatrically —...

Episode: "Old Friends, Dead Ends"
1987 Student Exchange
Student Exchange
Student Exchange is a 1987 television film directed by Mollie Miller.-Plot:Carole and Neil, two nerdy teenagers, get only perfect grades but have no social skills. When Carole learns that two foreign exchange students from France and Italy have gone to another school, they grab their chance and...

Kit Television movie
1989 Heathers
Heathers is a 1989 black comedy film starring Winona Ryder, Christian Slater and Shannen Doherty. The film portrays four girls in a trend-setting clique at a fictional Ohio high school...

Heather Chandler
1989 TV 101
TV 101
TV 101 is an American drama series that aired on CBS from 1988 until 1989. The series starred Sam Robards, Brynn Thayer, Leon Russom and Andrew Cassese. Other notable cast members include Stacey Dash, Teri Polo, Alex Désert and Matt LeBlanc...

Becky Episode: "Clicks"
1989 Say Anything... Sheila
1989 Highway to Heaven
Highway to Heaven
Highway to Heaven is an American television drama series which ran on NBC from 1984 to 1989.- Season 1 :- Season 2 :- Season 3 :- Season 4 :- Season 5 :...

Ellen Kayhill Episode: "The Source"
1989 Deadly Weapon Traci
1989 The Preppie Murder
The Preppie Murder
The Preppie Murder is a TV movie starring William Baldwin as Robert Chambers and Lara Flynn Boyle as Jennifer Levin. The film aired on ABC in 1989. It was based on the events of a murder committed by Rob Chambers, nicknamed the Preppie Killer...

Candace Television movie
1990 The Outsiders
The Outsiders (TV series)
The Outsiders is an American drama series that aired in 1990 on Fox. Based on the characters from the 1967 novel of the same title by S. E. Hinton, the series was executive produced by the 1983 film's director Francis Ford Coppola.-Synopsis:...

Cherry Valance 13 episodes
1990 Hunter Allison Janowitz Episode: "Where Echoes End"
1991 The Julie Show Kiki Television movie
1992 Nervous Ticks Janice
1992 Picket Fences
Picket Fences
Picket Fences is a 60-minute American television drama about the residents of the fictional town of Rome, Wisconsin, created and produced by David E. Kelley. The show initially ran from September 18, 1992, to June 26, 1996, on the CBS television network in the United States...

Debbie Caton Episode: Pilot
1993 Matlock
Matlock (TV series)
Matlock is an American television legal drama, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of attorney Ben Matlock. The show originally aired from September 23, 1986 to May 8, 1992 on NBC, where it replaced The A-Team, then from November 5, 1992 until May 7, 1995 on ABC.The show's format was similar...

Becky Smith Episode: "The Competition"
1993 The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., often referred to as just Brisco or Brisco County,The series is referred to as just Brisco or by Brisco County by the creator and executive producer Carlton Cuse, actors involved with the show, and by many critics. Some examples include:* Cuse, Carlton, DVD extra...

Caitlin Ward Episode: "Mail Order Brides"
1994 The Favor
The Favor
The Favor is a romantic comedy film directed by Donald Petrie and written by Sara Parriott and Josann McGibbon.-Plot:Kathy has seemingly been happily married to Peter, but their relationship has grown routine. She cannot help but wonder what would happen if she ever got together with her high...

Jill Topial Alternative title: The Indecent Favour
1994 Gambler V: Playing for Keeps Television movie
1995 A Reason to Believe
A Reason to Believe
A Reason to Believe is an American 1995 drama independent film directed by Douglas Tirola. The film is set in Cincinnati, Ohio and was released on October 27, 1995.-Plot:...

1998 Somewhere in the City Molly, Texas Acting Student
2000 Killing Cinderella Laurel

External links

  • Kim Walker on Find A Death
  • Kim Walker on Find A Grave
    Find A Grave
    Find a Grave is a commercial website providing free access and input to an online database of cemetery records. It was founded in 1998 as a DBA and incorporated in 2000.-History:...

  • Photo tribute
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