Karl Seebach
Karl Seebach was a German
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

A mathematician is a person whose primary area of study is the field of mathematics. Mathematicians are concerned with quantity, structure, space, and change....


Seebach earned his doctorate at the University of Munich  under Heinrich Tietze and Arnold Sommerfeld
Arnold Sommerfeld
Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld was a German theoretical physicist who pioneered developments in atomic and quantum physics, and also educated and groomed a large number of students for the new era of theoretical physics...

, in 1938. From 1977 to 1981, he held the Chair for Didactics of Mathematics at the University of Munich. As early as December 1995, he held ordinarius professor emeritus status at the University, and was still listed as such as late as June 2007.

Seebach was the author of many mathematics textbooks for the Gymnasium
Gymnasium (school)
A gymnasium is a type of school providing secondary education in some parts of Europe, comparable to English grammar schools or sixth form colleges and U.S. college preparatory high schools. The word γυμνάσιον was used in Ancient Greece, meaning a locality for both physical and intellectual...



  • Josef Breuer, Paul Knabe, Josef Lauter, Karl Seebach, and Klaus Wigand Handbuch der Schulmatematik: Band 2 Algebra (Hermann Schroedel)
  • Johannes Blume, Gerhard Frey, Heinrich Gall, Paul Knabe, Paul Mönnig, Karl Seebach, and Klaus Wigand Handbuch der Schulmathematik: Band 5 Einzelfragen der Mathematik (Hermann Schroedel)
  • Ludwig Schecher and Karl Seebach Einführung in die Mathematik. Bd. 1 (Schmidt, 1950)
  • Karl Seebach and Reinhold Federle Vorschläge zum Aufbau der Analytischen Geometrie in vektorieller Behandlung (Ehrenwirth, 1965)
  • Friedrich Barth, Karl Seebach, and Ernst Winkler Vorschläge zur Behandlung der geometrischen Abbildungen in der Ebene (Ehrenwirth, 1968)
  • Karl Seebach and Edmund Kösel Arbeitsblätter zum Lehrerkolleg. Hauptschule. Schuljahr 9. H. 3. Mathematik, Physik, Chemie (TR-Verlagsunion, 1969)
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