Juan Gabriel Concepción
Juan Gabriel Concepción Zambrano (born 7 August 1972 in Bérriz
Berriz is an elizate, town and municipality located in the province of Biscay, in the Basque Country, northern Spain...

, Vizcaya
Biscay is a province of Spain and a historical territory of the Basque Country, heir of the ancient Lord of Biscay. Its capital city is Bilbao...

) is a retired Spanish
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

 pole vault
Pole vault
Pole vaulting is a track and field event in which a person uses a long, flexible pole as an aid to leap over a bar. Pole jumping competitions were known to the ancient Greeks, as well as the Cretans and Celts...


He won the silver medal at the 1997 Mediterranean Games
1997 Mediterranean Games
The 13th edition of the Mediterranean Games were held in Bari, Italy from the 13th to the 25th of June 1997. Twenty one nations competed in 27 different sporting events.- Medal table :- External link and reference :* -See also:***...

. He also competed at the 1996 Olympic Games
Athletics at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's pole vault
These are the official results of the Men's Pole Vault event at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.-Medalists:-Records:These were the standing world and Olympic records prior to the 1996 Summer Olympics....

 without reaching the final.

His personal best jump was 5.70 metres, achieved in July 1996 in Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...

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