John Ashley (musician)
John Ashley was the father of a remarkable family of musicians who flourished towards the end of the eighteenth century.

Ashley became a member of the Royal Society of Musicians
Royal Society of Musicians
The Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain is a charity in the United Kingdom that supports musicians. It is the oldest music-related charity in Great Britain, founded in 1738 as the "Fund for Decay'd Musicians" by a declaration of trust signed by 228 musicians, including Edward Purcell ,...

 7 April 1765. At the Handel commemoration in 1784, he was assistant conductor to Joah Bates
Joah Bates
Joah Bates was an English musician.Bates was born at Halifax 19 March 1740–1, received his early education at Dr. Ogden's school, and learned music from Hartley, organist of Rochdale. He went afterwards to Manchester to Dr. Parnell's school, and while there he was much struck by the organ-playing...

. On the same occasion, the double bassoon was played by a 'Mr. Ashley of the Guards', who is sometimes supposed to have been the same individual, but was more probably another member of the family, possibly his brother Jane, who was born in 1740 and died at Westminster on 5 April 1809.

John Ashley in 1795 undertook the management of the oratorio concerts at Covent Garden. He died in Abingdon Street, Westminster
Westminster is an area of central London, within the City of Westminster, England. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames, southwest of the City of London and southwest of Charing Cross...

, on 2 March 1805, where also his wife died on 22 December 1809, aged 75. Richard Ashley (1775 – 1836), one of John Ashley's sons, was a performer on the violin, but he does not seem to have made any mark as a musician. He became a member of the Royal Society of Musicians 17 April 1796, and died in October 1836. He was also the father of Charles Jane Ashley
Charles Jane Ashley
Charles Jane Ashley , was a musician.Ashley was the third son of John Ashley. He was a performer on the violoncello, and also for some time carried on the Covent Garden oratorios with his brother. On 2 May 1811 he was elected secretary of the Royal Society of Musicians, of which he had been a...

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