Jessica Judd
Jessica Judd, born on January 7, 1995 in Rochford, is an English middle distance runner who specializes in 800, 1500, and 3000 meter races. She has 3 United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

age group records to her name.

Athletics career

Jessica Judd has 3 uk age group records, an u15 1500 meter record of 4:21.03, which she ran on Wednesday 15 July 2009, two u17 records, 9:08.5 for the 3000 meters on Wednesday 6 April 2011, and 4:14.21 for the 1500 meters on Saturday 29 May 2011 at a nike bmc meeting in sports city.

Her career started as an u11 running a few cross country race's. Jessica progressed through her u13 season, improving considerably in at age 14 and has some what improved as an u17 athlete. A major highlight would be winning a bronze medal at the world youth championships in Lile competing in the 800 meters.

international championship record
World Youth Championships
Silver 2011 Lille Métropole 800 m

other notes: Jessica judd has won 3 English school titles and 3 England national championships.
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