Jack and Holly
Jack and Holly is a preschool animated series from the UK which centres around two characters, Jack and Holly. It was created, written and produced by husband and wife team Jezz Wright and Julianne Martin at Blockhouse TV.

Main characters

Jack (voiced by Cillian Martin Wright, the son of the producer) and Holly (voiced by Emilia Shuardson-Hipkin) are two best friends. Holly is the big sister that Jack never had. As the Web site puts it, "Holly is always there to take Jack and viewers by the hand and lead them through life's moral maze with advice and guidance."

Series philosophy

The series is educational as well as entertaining. It includes a lot of factual material aimed at pre-school and primary school children, as well as stories. "I think it counters a lot of the very brash, bright colours, fast cut aggressive programming that is aimed at children," said Jezz Wright in a 2010 interview with the BBC. "When we had our son five years ago we bought quite a few educational DVDs and we were quite horrified just how little educative content there was. It was a conversation you have one evening with the other half - 'come on we can do better than this' - and so the seed was planted."

"We're a tiny team with a tiny fraction of Disney's budget" said Julianne Wright in a 2011 press release. "We're delivering the sort of original content parents are looking for. Children's screen time has never been more contentious - that's why we believe all children's media should aspire to the highest educative standards." The series was developed with the assistance of teachers and educationalists as well as parents in order to ensure that it would fit in well with British educational standards.

The series also promotes inclusiveness and multi-culturalism. Jack is from ethnic origin whilst Holly is a typical 'English Rose' Caucasian character.

This approach led Blockhouse to set out to create a multimedia product that would encourage children to spend time away from the screen and enjoy reading, and would also give parents topics to discuss with their children. In their second animated series, Cosmic Stories, they include an on-screen timer that helps parents see how much time their child is spending in front of the television.

Part of the proceeds from Jack and Holly go to local children's charities.

In the UK, purchasers have the option of buying an EcoDVD
An EcoDisc is a patented type of DVD which is thinner than a conventional DVD because it is made from a single layer of polycarbonate instead of two layers glued together...


Animation style

The animation
Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways...

 is created in a mixed media style derived from machinima
Machinima is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation...

, mixed in with live action
Live action
In filmmaking, video production, and other media, the term live action refers to cinematography, videography not produced using animation...

 footage. It uses a variety of software including Moviestorm
Moviestorm is real-time 3D animation software published by Moviestorm Ltd. The software is aimed at people of all age groups and appeals to those with a diverse range of backgrounds and interests. Currently active members include bloggers, musicians, writers, teachers, students, engineers,...

, which allowed Blockhouse to create the series quickly and on a low budget. Some of the live footage is blended with animation to create a unique look.

Although the characters share some visual similarities with Japanese Anime
is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....

 characters and cartoons they have a distinctive design. They do not have legs, but instead they float, fly and hover. The color palette was designed specifically to appeal to younger children.


Blockhouse originally planned Jack and Holly as a multimedia
Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which use only rudimentary computer display such as text-only, or...

 series, spanning television and other media.


The animation series are the flagship products. Books and other media are then developed to accompany each animated series. So far two series have been produced. According to their Web site (Nov 2011) a third series, Aqua Adventures, is currently in production.

Jack and Holly's Christmas Countdown

This was released on DVD in September 2010 in the UK, and in October 2011 in the US on DVD and Amazon Instant.

It is a non-religious themed celebration of the spirit of Christmas
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday generally celebrated on December 25 by billions of people around the world. It is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, liturgically closing the Advent season and initiating the season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days...

 and includes a number of early learning puzzles, songs and situations.
Episode listing

The series includes ten 5-minute episodes
  1. Snow
  2. Snowmen
  3. Furry Animals
  4. Santa Land
  5. Christmas Tree
  6. Presents
  7. Father Christmas
  8. Songs on the telly
  9. Christmas Eve
  10. Christmas Day

DVD extras

The DVD includes two extras not available on the streaming version
  1. Jack and Holly's Christmas Concert
  2. Jack and Holly's Theme.

Jack and Holly's Cosmic Stories

Originally titled Jack and Holly's Cosmic Stories, this was released worldwide in November 2011 on DVD and Amazon Instant.

It includes seven episodes.
Episode listing
  1. The Moon
  2. The Sun
  3. Planets
  4. New Worlds?
  5. Black Holes
  6. Aliens?
  7. Twinkle Twinkle

DVD extras
  1. 'Cosmic Countdown' Music video
  2. Jack and Holly's theme remix slide show (supposedly featuring some of the Polaroids Jack took during the making of the series)


the Jack and Holly books combine fun activities with stories and educational material, puzzles, and games. Both are available as free downloads via their web site. As of November 2011, a third book, Number Crunchers, is in development according to the Web site.

Jack and Holly's Christmas Annual

This interactive workbook, released in August 2010, comprises 24 puzzles and simple exercises for parents and children can enjoy together. A print edition is available on Amazon.

Jack and Holly's Cosmic Comic

This includes comic book styled stories as well as science facts. It was released in November 2011.

Jack and Holly's Christmas Top Ten

"Jack and Holly's Christmas Top 10" was released on 21 August 2010. The album includes updated and modernised versions of Christmas
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday generally celebrated on December 25 by billions of people around the world. It is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, liturgically closing the Advent season and initiating the season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days...

classics. Most of the tracks were featured in the Jack and Holly's Christmas Countdown DVD and were produced by Tom Richardson and Jezz Wright. Tom Richardson was also the Sound Designer for the DVD series. Track 4 was written by Tim Buxton who produced it alongside Jezz Wright.
Track listing
  1. Jack and Holly Theme
  2. Wish You a Merry Christmas
  3. O' Christmas Tree
  4. Here Comes Christmas
  5. Christmas Wrapping (ft. Dj Santa)
  6. Jingle Bells (ft. Dj Santa)
  7. Snowmen Come and Snowmen Go
  8. Snowballs (ft. Dj Santa)
  9. Deck the Halls (with Jack and Holly)
  10. Sing Song Merrily On High
  11. Jingle Bells (Dj Santa's dub remix)

External links

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