International Socialists (Norway)
The International Socialists is a Trotskyist organisation in Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...

 founded in the early 1980s. It is part of the International Socialist Tendency
International Socialist Tendency
The International Socialist Tendency is an international grouping of unorthodox Trotskyist organisations based around the ideas of Tony Cliff, founder of the Socialist Workers Party in Britain...

 led by the British Socialist Workers Party
Socialist Workers Party (Britain)
The Socialist Workers Party is a far left party in Britain founded by Tony Cliff. The SWP's student section has groups at a number of universities...


The roots of the IS go back to the late 1970s when a revolutionary opposition began forming within Socialist Youth
Socialist Youth (Norway)
Socialist Youth is the youth league of the Socialist Left Party of Norway.The current head of the organisation is Olav Magnus Linge. SU considers itself a revolutionary party and wants to gain popular support for socialism in Norway. In this respect it differs from SV, the mother party.SU...

 (SU), the youth organization of the reformist Socialist Left Party
Socialist Left Party (Norway)
The Socialist Left Party or SV, is a Norwegian left-wing political party. At one point one of the smallest parties in Parliament, it became the fourth-largest political party in Norway for the first time in the 2001 parliamentary election, and has been so ever since...

. This opposition was essentially an alliance between two distinct factions: the one influenced by the politics of the British Socialist Workers Party, the other with strong syndicalist
Syndicalism is a type of economic system proposed as a replacement for capitalism and an alternative to state socialism, which uses federations of collectivised trade unions or industrial unions...

 tendencies. What united the two was their opposition to the reformist politics of the mother organization (SV), a strong orientation towards the working class, a focus on “revolutionary praksis”, and a clear rejection of the Stalinist politics of the Moscow-oriented Communist Party (Communist Party of Norway
Communist Party of Norway
The Communist Party of Norway is a political party in Norway without parliamentary representation. It was formed in 1923, following a split in the Norwegian Labour Party. The party played an important role in the resistance to German occupation during the Second World War, and experienced a brief...

) and the Beijing-oriented Maoist party Workers' Communist Party
Workers' Communist Party (Norway)
The Workers' Communist Party was a Norwegian communist party . AKP was a maoist party and one of two communist parties in Norway; the other was the older Communist Party of Norway which has remained pro-Soviet. The relationship between the two parties was characterized by strong hostility.AKP was...


By early 1980 the Socialist Youth opposition had won control of both the Oslo branch and the organization’s monthly magazine, Ungsosialisten. It also had considerable support in the local branches in Bergen, Trondheim, and Tromsø. On November 13, 1981, at the 6th Annual Conference of the Socialist Youth, the national leaderships of the Socialist Youth and the Socialist Left took action to rid themselves of the opposition by formally disbanding the youth organization and then reestablishing it the next day at a different location.

A week later the opposition constituted itself as an independent organization under the name "Arbeidermaktgruppa" (AMG, “Workers Power Group”) and started publication of a monthly newspaper called Arbeidermakt. Shortly thereafter, AMG was joined by small group of Trotskyists, adherents of the Fourth International
Fourth International
The Fourth International is the communist international organisation consisting of followers of Leon Trotsky , with the declared dedicated goal of helping the working class bring about socialism...


AMG had an orientation towards activism and intervened in house occupations
Occupation (protest)
An as an act of protest, is the entry into and holding of a building, space or symbolic site. As such, occupations often combine some of the following elements: a challenge to ownership of the space involved, an effort to gain public attention, the practical use of the facilities occupied, and a...

, strikes
Strike action
Strike action, also called labour strike, on strike, greve , or simply strike, is a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work. A strike usually takes place in response to employee grievances. Strikes became important during the industrial revolution, when mass labour became...

 and other forms of protest. At the same time, considerable effort was put into theoretical discussions, in an attempt to reconcile the different positions of the three constituent tendencies. This was to no avail, however, and in February 1985, a large minority split away to form Internasjonale Sosialister (IS).

The first issue of the new group’s bimonthly magazine, Internasjonal sosialisme, published in February 1985, was unapologetically inward-looking and presented an extensive overview of IS’ theoretical foundation, with major articles by Knut Øygard, Ellisiv Rognlien, Helge Ryggvik, Øivind Østberg, and Steve Pepper on the need for a revolutionary party; the relationship between the party, the unions and the “movements
Social movement
Social movements are a type of group action. They are large informal groupings of individuals or organizations focused on specific political or social issues, in other words, on carrying out, resisting or undoing a social change....

”; and the theory of State Capitalism
State capitalism
The term State capitalism has various meanings, but is usually described as commercial economic activity undertaken by the state with management of the productive forces in a capitalist manner, even if the state is nominally socialist. State capitalism is usually characterized by the dominance or...

. Subsequent issues combine analysis of current events with articles about the revolutionary tradition.

Through the 1980s and into the 1990s the IS experienced a steady increase in its membership. There were branches in all the main cities in mid- and southern Norway. IS played an active part in the struggle against racism and neo-nazism
Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II social or political movements seeking to revive Nazism or some variant thereof.The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements....

, and was particularly known for its role in a wildcat strike in the transport sector in Oslo, where the workers in the end won against blacklegs, police and their bosses. Internasjonal sosialisme went from being a bimonthly magazine to a monthly and fortnightly newspaper, changing its name to Sosialistisk arbeideravis in the mid-90s.

In the early 2000s IS seems to have experienced difficulties, losing some members through a split in 2001 and others who disappeared when the organization put all its efforts into founding the new organisation ATTAC some years later. Unable to balance its membership between those two organisations, this seemed like an act of liquidation for the IS in Norway. In 2004 they announced that they would be abandoning production of their fortnightly paper in order to concentrate on producing a monthly magazine named Gnisten. However, at the time of writing (April 2006), 14 issues of Gnisten have appeared and IS is planning a new event in its annual series of “Socialism from Below” seminars.

Recognizing the need for an effective parliamentary left party, IS decided at their general assembly 12-13 January 2008 to join Red
Red (Norway)
The Red Party is a Norwegian far-left political party and the leading party to the left of the Socialist Left and the Labour Party in Norway. Since 2007 the party has sought a seat in Parliament; the only counties in which they have a realistic chance of earning a seat are Oslo and Hordaland...

. While urging their members to join and participate actively in Red, IS will nevertheless continue publication of their own media and maintain their own membership list.

External links

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