Hunted Forever
Hunted Forever is a flash
Browser game
A browser game is a computer game that is played over the Internet using a web browser. Browser games can be created and run using standard web technologies or browser plug-ins. Browser games include all video game genres and can be single-player or multiplayer...

-based platform game
Platform game
A platform game is a video game characterized by requiring the player to jump to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles . It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps...

 released in 2008. It was single–handedly created by Evan Miller, who was a college student at the time he developed the game. Actual development of the game itself was accomplished in six weeks. Miller first published the game on the social gaming website is an online skill-based games company. is available in nine languages and in 10 countries. is an international company with 85 employees and offices in London, Los Angeles, Rome, Hamburg and Stockholm.-Operations:...

 in October 2008. Since then, it has been spread to many other online gaming websites.

The game made the top eighth spot in Time Magazine's "Top 10 Video Games of 2008" list. The game was praised for its style and innovation. As of late 2008, the game has been played some 2 million times.
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