Higher Institute of Finances and Economics
The D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics is a school of economics
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...

 in Svishtov
Svishtov is a town in northern Bulgaria, located in Veliko Tarnovo Province on the right bank of the Danube river opposite the Romanian town of Zimnicea. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous Svishtov Municipality...

, Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...


D.A.Tsenov Academy of Economics is an educational, scientific and cultural institution in the Republic of Bulgaria. The structure of the Academy includes four Faculties, with their related Departments, a Department of Social Sciences, Academic Centres and Offices, School of Economics and Management in Lovech, College of Economics and Management, Institute for Scientific Research, Academic Library, and Students' campus.

The Academy has over 320 academic staff and over 10,000 full-time, part-time and extramural students.

The Academy of Economics takes part in programmes of the European Union in collaboration with European Universities, Projects of International Funds for Scientific Research, inter-university student training and multinational projects for higher education.

External links

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