Hennig-Olsen Iskremfabrikk
Hennig-Olsen Is AS is a family-owned and operated ice cream
Ice cream
Ice cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners...

 factory in Kristiansand
-History:As indicated by archeological findings in the city, the Kristiansand area has been settled at least since 400 AD. A royal farm is known to have been situated on Oddernes as early as 800, and the first church was built around 1040...

, Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...

. The main product is ice cream, of which it produces more than 20 different types.

Ice cream from Hennig-Olsen has its roots back to 1924. Kristiansand resident Sven Hennig-Olsen (1899–1945) learned the art of making ice cream during a stay in Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...

. When he returned to his hometown in 1924, he brought with him equipment and recipes. Ice cream production began in the tobacco
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines...

 kiosk he started in Kristiansand. The ice cream factory was opened in 1960.

Management of the company was later passed on to Otto Johan Hennig-Olsen, Sven's son. Hennig-Olsen is now in its 3rd Generation, with Paal Hennig-Olsen as president and Espen Hennig-Olsen as marketing director. It is one of the few family business
Family business
A family business is a business in which one or more members of one or more families have a significant ownership interest and significant commitments toward the business’ overall well-being....

es that has survived within the Norwegian food industry
Food industry
The food production is a complex, global collective of diverse businesses that together supply much of the food energy consumed by the world population...

. In 2005, Hennig-Olsen had a total market share
Market share
Market share is the percentage of a market accounted for by a specific entity. In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 67 percent responded that they found the "dollar market share" metric very useful, while 61% found "unit market share" very useful.Marketers need to be able to...

in Norway of around 46%.
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