Hazlitt (Classical Gazetteer)
The Classical Gazetteer is a short descriptive geographical dictionary by William Hazlitt
William Hazlitt (registrar)
William Hazlitt was an English author and translator, best known for his Classical Gazetteer and for overseeing the posthumous publication and republication of many of the works of his father, the critic William Hazlitt.The younger Hazlitt stayed on good terms with both parents despite their...

 (son of the critic William Hazlitt
William Hazlitt
William Hazlitt was an English writer, remembered for his humanistic essays and literary criticism, and as a grammarian and philosopher. He is now considered one of the great critics and essayists of the English language, placed in the company of Samuel Johnson and George Orwell. Yet his work is...

), written in 1851 and containing 15,000 places of Greek and Roman antiquity
Classical antiquity
Classical antiquity is a broad term for a long period of cultural history centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, collectively known as the Greco-Roman world...

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