Haardrad Family Saga Series

Haardrad Family Saga Series

A series of three books written by Johanna Lindsey
Johanna Lindsey
Johanna Lindsey , is one of the most popular American writers of historical romance novels worldwide. All of her books reached the New York Times bestseller list, many reaching #1.-Personal life:...

 set in Viking
The term Viking is customarily used to refer to the Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century.These Norsemen used their famed longships to...


Also called Northern Fires, this series consists of Fires of Winter
Fires of Winter
Fires of Winter is a novel by Johanna Lindsey originally published in September 1980 by Avon Books. It is the first book in the Haardrad Family Saga Series.Plot: The Viking invaders came from across an icy sea, taking lady Brenna as their captive...

, Hearts Aflame
Hearts Aflame
Hearts Aflame is novel by Johanna Lindsey, originally published in June 1987 by Avon Books. It is the second book in the Haardrad Family Saga Series and Lindsey's fourteenth novel. The book reached number three in the New York Times Best Seller list for paperbacks...

and Surrender My Love.

1. Fires of Winter is set in 855ad was originally published in September 1980. The main characters are Gerrick Haardrad (Viking) and Brenna (Celtic Lady).

2. Hearts Aflame is set in 873ad was originally published June 1987. The main characters are Kristen Haardrad and Royce of Windhurst.

3. Surrender My Love is set in 879ad was originally published May 1994. The main characters are Selig Haardrad and Erika Gronwood.
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