For the civil parish of Gwinear-Gwithian, see Gwinear-Gwithian
Gwinear–Gwithian is a coastal civil parish in west Cornwall, United Kingdom. It includes the villages of Connor Downs, Gwinear, Gwithian, Reawla and Rosewarne...

. For the village of Gwinear see Gwinear, Cornwall
Gwinear, Cornwall
Gwinear is a village in west Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is situated approximately two miles east of Hayle and overlooks the Angarrack valley....

Gwinear was a saint of the early Celtic period, one of only two early Cornish saints whose biographies survived the Reformation. It was written about 1300 by a priest named Anselm and has sometimes been printed among St Anselm's works (Doble (1960) includes a translation of a large part of the text in which the saint's name is given as Guigner; Doble suggests that the Breton form indicates a connection with Brittany where the saint is also venerated).

Born in Ireland, he was converted to Christianity by St Patrick
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick was a Romano-Briton and Christian missionary, who is the most generally recognized patron saint of Ireland or the Apostle of Ireland, although Brigid of Kildare and Colmcille are also formally patron saints....

 and after spending time in Brittany went with 7 (or 777) companions to Cornwall, where he was martyred by King Teudar
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