Gordon Shattock
Knight Bachelor
The rank of Knight Bachelor is a part of the British honours system. It is the most basic rank of a man who has been knighted by the monarch but not as a member of one of the organised Orders of Chivalry...

 Gordon Shattock (born 12 May 1928, Exeter
Exeter is a historic city in Devon, England. It lies within the ceremonial county of Devon, of which it is the county town as well as the home of Devon County Council. Currently the administrative area has the status of a non-metropolitan district, and is therefore under the administration of the...

 — died 10 April 2010) was a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 Conservative Party's Western-area Chairman, who survived the 1984 Brighton bombing, which claimed the life of his first wife, Jeanne. He suffered sensory damage, particularly to his hearing.

A native of Exeter
Exeter is a historic city in Devon, England. It lies within the ceremonial county of Devon, of which it is the county town as well as the home of Devon County Council. Currently the administrative area has the status of a non-metropolitan district, and is therefore under the administration of the...

, Shattock was educated at Hele's School. He studied veterinary science at the Royal Veterinary College
Royal Veterinary College
The Royal Veterinary College is a veterinary school located in London, United Kingdom and a constituent college of the federal University of London. The RVC was founded in 1791 and joined the University of London in 1949...

 in London and worked in that profession in his native city for more than three decades before he was forced to retire due to the sensory injuries he had sustained in Brighton.

He met his second wife, Wendy, at Exeter Cathedral
Exeter Cathedral
Exeter Cathedral, the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter at Exeter, is an Anglican cathedral, and the seat of the Bishop of Exeter, in the city of Exeter, Devon in South West England....

, where his wife's memorial service was held in December 1984. They married four years later. He chaired the Exeter Cathedral Music Foundation Trust until 2004.

He died on 10 April 2010, aged 81, survived by his wife and his two children from his first marriage.

External links

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