Gay Search
Gay Search is a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 television presenter perhaps best known for her work on the BBC TV series Gardeners' World
Gardeners' World
Gardeners' World is a long-running BBC television programme about gardening that continues to this day. Its first episode was filmed in 1968, presented by Ken Burras and came from Oxford Botanical Gardens. The magazine BBC Gardeners' World is a tie-in to the programme. Most of its episodes have...

with the late Geoff Hamilton
Geoff Hamilton
Geoff Hamilton was an English gardener, broadcaster and author, best known as presenter of BBC television's Gardeners' World in the 1980s and 90s.-Background:...

. She devised and hosted gardening shows for BBC 2 since 1988.

She currently works as gardening editor for Sainsbury
Sainsbury may refer to:* Sainsbury * Sainsbury family, in British business and philanthropy- See also :* Sainsbury's, British business centered on supermarket chain* Harry Arthur Saintsbury , English actor...


She is the author of many gardening books, including:
  • Front Gardens
  • Gardening from scratch
  • Gardening without a garden

She is also patron of the British Thyroid Foundation
British Thyroid Foundation
The British Thyroid Foundation is a UK-based, patient-led, registered charity dedicated to supporting people with thyroid disorders and helping their families and people around them to understand the condition.-Function:...

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