Fun with Radio
Fun with Radio is a book by Gilbert Davey
Gilbert Davey
Gilbert Davey was a writer and radio enthusiast who introduced many youngsters to the rapidly developing fields of Radio and Electronics through his articles published in Boy's Own Paper, and his books, in particular Fun with Radio, first published in 1957, with updates ending in a sixth edition...

 first published in 1957 by Edmund Ward Ltd (London). At a time when radio receivers were still very expensive, and portable radios still a rarity (transistors were just being introduced), the book introduced many youngsters, mainly boys, to radio construction, and in some cases a career in radio or electronics
Electronics is the branch of science, engineering and technology that deals with electrical circuits involving active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies...

. Radio construction was, in the early years of broadcasting, a very popular hobby among boys. By the time he published 'Fun with Radio', Davey already had a huge following among readers of Boy's Own Paper
Boy's Own Paper
The Boy's Own Paper was a British story paper aimed at young and teenage boys, published from 1879 to 1967.-Publishing history:The idea for the publication was first raised in 1878 by the Religious Tract Society as a means to encourage younger children to read and also instil Christian morals...

, where he was said to be the most popular contributor on practical subjects among its readers, and in that same year he presented a series on BBC Television's 'Studio 'E which reportedly brought him 26,000 letters within a few days of the first broadcast

Gilbert Davey had a career as an insurance official, and was an amateur in the field of radio, but his enthusiasm and straightforward writing with clear detailed diagrams inspired many youngsters.

Six editions of the book were published, the final one in 1978. Davey also wrote Fun with Short Wave Radio, Fun with Transistors, Fun with Hi-Fi, and Fun with Silicon Chips in Modern Radio (1981).
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