Frost worm
In the Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...

roleplaying game the frost worm is a fictional magical beast
Magical beast (Dungeons & Dragons)
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, magical beast is a type of creature, or "creature type". Magical beasts are similar to animals in many ways, but usually have a higher intelligence, and possess supernatural or extraordinary abilities....

 that lives in cold and ice filled places.

Publication history

The frost worm appeared in the third edition Monster Manual
Monster Manual
The Monster Manual is the primary bestiary sourcebook for monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. It includes monsters derived from mythology, and folklore, as well as creatures created for D&D specifically...

(2000), and in the 3.5 revised Monster Manual (2003).


Its appearance resembles somewhat a worm. Unlike a true worm, a frost worm's head is made of strong plates with a large number of black spider-like eyes, and a pair of strong maw. Frost worms are generally colored from white to light-blue, making them fit the icy landscape perfectly. Their body can generate intense cold, freezing those who come to close to him.

Frost worms prefer to bury themselves in the snow, waiting for prey to come near and then jump out and bite. Their thick skin also serves as protection against enemies. A frost worm can emit terrible noise that paralyzes his prey. The only thing that isn't affected by its terrible howl is other frost worms. Also if a frost worm is killed its body will turn to ice and shatter, damaging anything around it.

Other uses

In different contexts such as other fantasy or role-playing games, the slightly different spelling frost wurm is used.

The behavior of frost worms is somewhat similar to behavior of sandworms
Sandworm (Dune)
The sandworm is a fictional form of desert-dwelling creature from the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. They first appear in the 1965 novel Dune, considered to be among the classics in the science fiction genre, and are iconic of the Dune series.In the series, the sandworms called Shai-Hulud...

though frost worms are significantly smaller and live in a colder climates. Some people in the frozen north have been able to train these beasts to protect their tribes.

External links

  • Frost Worm in d20 System
    D20 System
    The d20 System is a role-playing game system published in 2000 by Wizards of the Coast originally developed for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons...

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