Five Men In A Hut (DVD)
Five Men In A Hut is a DVD release by the British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 band Gomez
Gomez (band)
Gomez are an English indie rock band from Southport, comprising Ian Ball , Paul "Blackie" Blackburn , Tom Gray , Ben Ottewell and Olly Peacock . The band is distinguished for having three singers and four songwriters, employing traditional and electronic instruments...

, as a companion to the Five Men In A Hut B-sides compilation. It features videos for many of the band's songs, along with some interviews with the band members and some live performances.

Track listing

  1. "78 Stone Wobble (Video)"
  2. "Get Myself Arrested (Video)"
  3. "Whippin’ Piccadilly (Video)"
  4. "Bring It On (Video)"
  5. "Rhythm and Blues Alibi (Video)"
  6. "We Haven’t Turned Around (Video)"
  7. "Machismo (Video)"
  8. "Shot Shot (Video)"
  9. "Sound of Sounds (Video)"
  10. "Ping One Down (Video)"
  11. "Catch Me Up (Video)"
  12. "Silence (Video)"
  13. "Bring It On (Interview)"
  14. "Make No Sound (Live at the Music Centre, Dublin)"
  15. "78 Stone Wobble (Live at the Music Centre, Dublin)"
  16. "Hangover (Live at Liquid Skin Launch Showcase)"
  17. "Way You Do the Things You Do (Live at Liquid Skin Launch Showcase)"
  18. "Rosemary (Live at Liquid Skin Launch Showcase)"
  19. "Rhythm and Blues Alibi"
  20. "Split the Difference (Interview)"
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