Eva Ostwalt
Eva D. Ostwalt (April 2, 1902 – May 23, 2010) was a survivor of the Holocaust.

Ostwalt was born into a Jewish mercantile family in Cologne
Cologne is Germany's fourth-largest city , and is the largest city both in the Germany Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants.Cologne is located on both sides of the...

, the eldest of three daughters. During the Second World War, she was forced to work for Siemens
Siemens may refer toSiemens, a German family name carried by generations of telecommunications industrialists, including:* Werner von Siemens , inventor, founder of Siemens AG...

 in a camp next to the Ravensbrück concentration camp
Ravensbrück concentration camp
Ravensbrück was a notorious women's concentration camp during World War II, located in northern Germany, 90 km north of Berlin at a site near the village of Ravensbrück ....

. She lost her mother in Auschwitz and her daughter during the bombing of Dresden
Dresden is the capital city of the Free State of Saxony in Germany. It is situated in a valley on the River Elbe, near the Czech border. The Dresden conurbation is part of the Saxon Triangle metropolitan area....

. She barely survived. In 1947, she married her second husband Heinz Ostwalt and they soon emigrated to the USA.

In a TV documentary, Lust am Leben - mit 103 in Amerika by Michael Marton, aired in Germany on WDR, her everyday life was shown. She lived on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the United States Congress approved the creation of a permanent national capital as permitted by the U.S. Constitution....

 At the age of 105, Ostwalt was still able to drive and use a computer. During the documentary, it became apparent that the Holocaust is frequently on her mind. Even over 60 years after the event, Ostwalt did not want her neighbours to know of her Jewish background. Marton is preparing a longer version in English, to be entitled "To Live - what else!.

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