Eric Weinstein
Eric Weinstein is a mathematician and economist. He is currently a principal at the Natron Group, a hedge fund in Manhattan. He earned a 1992 Ph.D in Mathematical Physics from the Maths Department of Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature. Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first corporation chartered in the country...

 (under the supervision of Raoul Bott
Raoul Bott
Raoul Bott, FRS was a Hungarian mathematician known for numerous basic contributions to geometry in its broad sense...

) and has since held a Lady Davis Fellowship in the Racah Institute of Physics at Hebrew University, an NSF fellowship in the mathematics Department of MIT, and was an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grantee in the Harvard Economics Department and National Bureau for Economic Research where he founded the Project on the Economics of Advanced Training with economist Richard Freeman
Richard B. Freeman
Richard B. Freeman is one of the leading labor economists in North America. The Herbert Ascherman Professor of Economics at Harvard University, and Co-Director of the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, Freeman is also Senior Research Fellow on Labour Markets at the Centre for...

. He graduated in his Junior year with combined A.B. and M.A. degrees in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
The University of Pennsylvania is a private, Ivy League university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Penn is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States,Penn is the fourth-oldest using the founding dates claimed by each institution...

 as University Scholar in 1985.


Immigration Theory: In a 2002 paper in the International Labor Review, Weinstein introduced Coasian market models for visas to solve immigration problems while working for the United Nations International Labor Office. It appears to be the first such systematic suggestion in the literature, predating recent claims of Nobelist Gary Becker
Gary Becker
Gary Stanley Becker is an American economist. He is a professor of economics, sociology at the University of Chicago and a professor at the Booth School of Business. He was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1992, and received the United States' Presidential Medal of Freedom...

 in his 2010 Hayek lecture that ‘the ‘price mechanism…has really not been the immigration area”.

Economic Theory: Along with Collaborator Pia Malaney, Weinstein showed that neoclassical economics
Neoclassical economics
Neoclassical economics is a term variously used for approaches to economics focusing on the determination of prices, outputs, and income distributions in markets through supply and demand, often mediated through a hypothesized maximization of utility by income-constrained individuals and of profits...

 was in fact an example of a naturally occurring gauge theory. This discovery paralleled a similar such discovery linking mathematics to physics by CN Yang, and collaborators at Stony Brook in the 1970s. The approach has been separately discussed from viewpoints in both the economics and physics literature but has yet to gain a wider awareness with few academicians possessing backgrounds in both physics and economics..

Finance: Five years before the financial crisis, Weinstein and collaborator Adil Abdulali published a paper in Risk introducing models indicating that methodology for valuing illiquid assets was likely to place a systemic premium on mortgage backed securities. Their model based on certainty equivalents solved the illiquidity distortion by recourse to the von Neumann Morgenstern
Oskar Morgenstern
Oskar Morgenstern was a German-born Austrian-School economist. He, along with John von Neumann, helped found the mathematical field of game theory ....

 risk framework.

Labor Markets for Elite workers: Weinstein and Collaborator Richard Freeman conducted an extensive study relying on unprecedented access to leading Biomedical scientists through the American Society for Cell Biology. Careers and Rewards in BioScience., Science Magazine Policy Forum.

Mathematical Physics: Weinstein claimed in his dissertation research that the Self-Dual Yang Mills equations on which Donaldson Theory was built were less unique than was believed at the time, putting forward two sets of alternate equations based on spinorial constructions. One set of equations became the basis for his dissertation showing that the SDYM equations were not really peculiar to dimension four and admitted generalizations to higher dimensions.Special Quantum Field Theories

Science Policy: Weinstein has been invited several times to argue before the National Academy of Sciences that the academy and national science foundation have deliberately sought to glut the market for scientists in order to decrease wage outlays for scientific and technical employers. Debunking the Myth of a Desperate Software Labor Shortage, Forecasting Demand and Supply of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers.


The Economic Crisis and its Implications for the Science of Economics May 1–4, 2009
Member: International Organizing Committee
Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada
Keynote Address: A Science Less Dismal
Panel Discussion (with Nouriel Roubini
Nouriel Roubini
Nouriel Roubini is an American economist. He claims to have predicted both the collapse of the United States housing market and the worldwide recession which started in 2008. He teaches at New York University's Stern School of Business and is the chairman of Roubini Global Economics, an economic...

, Nassim Taleb
Nassim Taleb
Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a Lebanese American essayist whose work focuses on problems of randomness and probability. His 2007 book The Black Swan was described in a review by Sunday Times as one of the twelve most influential books since World War II....

, Richard Freeman
Richard B. Freeman
Richard B. Freeman is one of the leading labor economists in North America. The Herbert Ascherman Professor of Economics at Harvard University, and Co-Director of the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, Freeman is also Senior Research Fellow on Labour Markets at the Centre for...

. Moderator Lee Smolin
Lee Smolin
Lee Smolin is an American theoretical physicist, a researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and an adjunct professor of physics at the University of Waterloo. He is married to Dina Graser, a communications lawyer in Toronto. His brother is David M...

Video: "" | ""

Systems Architecture, Kabuki Capitalism, and the Economic Manhattan Project.
Stanford University Computer Systems (Invited Colloquium and Debate), April 29, 2009
Stanford University, Palo Alto California
Invited Debating Partner: Paul Romer (Declined)
Video: ""

“Sheldon Glashow Owes Me a Dollar (and 17 Years of Interest): What happens where the endless frontier meets the efficient frontier?” Science in the 21st Century (Conference) September 6–9, 2008, Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada. Panel Discussion: Scientific Utopia - Designing Research Environments to Catalyze Scientific Progress
Video: ""

Gauge Theory and Inflation: Enlarging the Wu-Yang Dictionary to a unifying Rosetta Stone for Geometry in Application Invited Colloquium, Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics May 24, 2006, Waterloo, Canada. Video: ""

External links

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