Eemil Halonen
Eemil Halonen was one of Finland
Finland , officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland.Around 5.4 million people reside...

’s most productive sculptors. He first studied woodworking at the Lappeenranta and Lapvesi Crafting School. Later he studied sculpture with Emil Wikström
Emil Wikström
Emil Wikström was a Finnish sculptor. Among his best known works are the statues outside Helsinki Central railway station and the memorials of Elias Lönnrot and Johan Vilhelm Snellman....

 at the Finnish Art School. He travelled to study in Russia, France and Italy.

Eemil Halonen’s artwork was multifaceted. While living in Lapinlahti
Lapinlahti is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the Northern Savonia region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water...

 he sculpted images of the common people as well as public works, which he often made from Finnish wood and stone. After moving to Helsinki in 1919 Eemil Halonen concentrated on commissioned works, for example gravestones. His sculpture of Minna Canth, unveiled in Kuopio
Kuopio is a city and a municipality located in the region of Northern Savonia, Finland. A population of makes it the ninth biggest city in the country. The city has a total area of , of which is water and half forest...

 in 1937, is one of Halonen’s best known public pieces.

Eemil Halonen is one of the most notable interpreters of Finland’s national epic, the Kalevala
The Kalevala is a 19th century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Finnish and Karelian oral folklore and mythology.It is regarded as the national epic of Finland and is one of the most significant works of Finnish literature...

. During his artistic career, which lasted more than 50 years, he repeatedly depicted subjects from the Kalevala. A central theme of his sculpture was women characters from the Kalevala, from Louhe to Sotkottaret. For Eemil Halonen the Kalevala was a sacred book that broadly affected his view of life. He would often say: ”The Kalevala has wisdom behind it”.
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