Dynastes granti
Dynastes granti is a species
In biology, a species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, more precise or differing measures are...

 of rhinoceros beetle
Rhinoceros beetle
The Rhinoceros Beetles or Rhino Beetles are a subfamily of the scarab beetle family . Other common names – some for particular groups of rhino beetles – are for example Hercules beetles, unicorn beetles or horn beetles...

 that lives in Arizona
Arizona ; is a state located in the southwestern region of the United States. It is also part of the western United States and the mountain west. The capital and largest city is Phoenix...

 and Utah
Utah is a state in the Western United States. It was the 45th state to join the Union, on January 4, 1896. Approximately 80% of Utah's 2,763,885 people live along the Wasatch Front, centering on Salt Lake City. This leaves vast expanses of the state nearly uninhabited, making the population the...

and in Mexico. It appears in August or September, and grows to a size of 50 millimetre. The Imago's usually live 2-4 months, and the larvae may spend 2-3 years before they turn into adults. They are nocturnal and often attracted to lights and they are among the biggest beetles found in the U.S. They are also kept as pets in captivity or used in beetle fighting, most commonly in countries in Asia such as Japan where they are sold in pet shops. They are particularly common around Payson, Arizona. There grayish color turns to near black when wet or moist. They feed on tree sap in the wild by making a small wound in the tree, but this behavior is not harmful to the tree.
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